Chapter 46

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" He is not here neither," Zero sighs before turning into the opposite direction where he hasn't gone through nor maybe he walks past it after researching

{"Where did he go, if he is not here then,"} Zero thought before moving towards the other path on the left before going right straight {"I better hope, he won't cause any trouble for me or us to fix it out because of his temper "}

But it does mean Zero wouldn't try to talk to him or maybe they might get along with each other without lashing out towards each other 

Zero let out another sigh as he remembers the conversion between him and X before they went into separate ways 


Zero walked out of the door after he gives all the reports that he finishes to Commander Signas 

he about to get some E-tanks until he crosses path with X who walking in the opposite ways 

"Hey X," Zero called out 

 X blinks his eye's and stop walking and saw Zero coming towards him 

"Oh hey, Zero," X said as he saw Zero stop in front of him " Are you going somewhere?"

"Hm, actually I was about to get some E-tanks, wanna come with me for a moment?" Zero Ask 

"Sure," X said before following Zero 

As both of them went to get some E-tanks and sat in some near bench 

"So, X can I ask you a question?" Zero asks looking down at his E-tank while trying to the ways on how he would say this out and it's a good thing that one was around here when they came here, So it's kinda safe to pour out something bothering in your mind to others right?


"Ah, never mind I guess," Zero said before taking a sip from his E-tank, knowing X might not understand what he might say when he poured out his thought towards him

X gives him a raised eyebrow, knowing Zero is hiding something from him, and it's useless in hiding anything from him because knowing both of them been together and been through many things before meeting with Axel and letting him join them both 

So in common, they can read each other like a book when there something bothering them and kinda pointless in hiding something between because of it 

X place down his E-tank down out of his mouth before " You know Zero, it's pointless hiding something from because we both know we can each other like a page of a book, so spill it out"

Zero let out a snort while raising his eyebrow towards X with amusement twitch coming from his lips behind the E-tank that he was holding in front of him " I can't really hiding from you, can't I?"

'Nope, we know each other for a long time before Axel join us, so yeah keep something between us as a secret is pointless when it's bothering us, so enough with the stalling and spill it out now," X said now knowing Zero eye level to with his own bright green emerald ones

"Okay, okay, sheesh, no need to be pushy you know," Zero said while a play smile tugging beneath the corner of his mouth " Okay so, you know that I and Bass doesn't get to while each other launching ourselves to one another without fighting and insulting each other, and not having friendly talks to each other,"

'Hn, so?"

" I was wondering if there a chance for me and him to get along with each other other than fighting and throwing insult to one another, just like you did with our older siblings " Zero mumbles the last part but X heard it loud and clear to be mistaken 

" So you are, saying that you want to get along with your older sibling but not just any of your older sibling but with Bass himself," X said 

"Yes," Zero said but still continue to stare down at E-tank, thinking that  he says something stupid out of nowhere " I know it's a stupid idea that result might come out worse if  even tried it to make it true,"

"No it's not, Zero I think it's a good  idea of you trying to getting along with your older brother Bass, for you two to understand one another," X said 

"You think so?" Zero questioned not believing that X agree with this idea of his 

"Yeah, I think it's a good shot of an option for you two to get along with each other, so why not try it least," X said  before taking another sip from his E-tank 

"But what if it failed?" Zero said stilling staring at his E-tank before taking a sip from it 

X pause for a moment, trying to think of a solution for it but " least you tried,"

Zero just sighs at that answer

"But still you should give it a try first because who knows it might go well or not," X said 

"I guess you  are right," Zero said before throwing his can in the trash bin by tossing it 

"Hey, don't worry about it," X said before throwing his can too "At least you tried too, if there's anything bothering you, you already know you can talk it out towards me right?

Zero smiled at that " I know, and thanks,"

X smiled back at him "Your welcome,"

Flashback end~

Zero opens his eyes after remembering the conversion between his and X end

maybe he should give it a shot, I mean it won't for trying right?

and if it failed, at least he tried to

He continued to walk on the path where he was standing while still looking for Bass 

but still, he can't even find him, Zero is about to give up on his search for Bass

thinking maybe Bass is already back inside the base after finally let out the steam inside of his system

he about turns around and walks back in the direction where he came from until 


"What the-!?"

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