Chapter 38

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Axel was humming around while flying in the skies

he looks so bored but still keeping on a look for anything that might happen in this area 

it seems there nothing going on lately  

Other reploid seemed to get the same feeling just like him because he saw the others were setting on the sideline while the others are still kept on reaching for any clue or sign that can get from this place 

but it seems they won't be  staying here any longer if they still can't find anything in another round hour 

they might report to the base about this that they have found nothing from this area 

Axel sighs as keeps on flying in the sky and going a little bit higher in the skies while making some stunts whirl in the air 

"Any longer, we might leave this place without any clue in which it's a kinda okay I guess,  we might put in our report as a mock signal from the maverick," Axel thought still flying  in the sky with his hands on his chest "Man, they might be trying to tricks us by  going to this  place, to prevent us trying to track them down,"

and then Axel start flying with his back facing down to the ground while and his face was looking up at the bright blue sky with light clouds passing by slowly 

"I wonder how is Zero doing now, I know he going to train some new trainees and his older brother..." Axl thought thrilled off while remembering the tension between  Zero and one of his older whose name he thinks is Bass back there in that room

"Man the tension in the room back then before he was sent to this mission with the other units was kinda scary, I thought those two will launch at each other throats if any of those make a small movie within a second," Axel thought before shivering at those glares giving at each other in the room " But good thing that X older sister mange to clam down  Zero older brother by hitting him with a broom, but I wonder how she still alive by doing that though,"

while Axel was flying around the skies, the units who are searching in the ground were looking like they about to call it in but they will wait for the others to return to their station and report if they find anything  and back to the base

at the north to the east side of the area 

"Come let's go back already," One of the units said as it watches it the one unit that still keeps on searching around the area  for anything but at least there's nothing 

"Yeah, so stop searching for nothing," Other one said trying to tell the one unit that still keeps on searching in this area "So we can go back to the others,"

But the unit that still keeps on searching just ignore them and keep on its searching 

after another 5 mins later 

"Argh, there nothing here!" the unit said before kicking the ground in frustration 

"See, told you so," 

the unit just glare at its companion while the one who receives the glare just roll their eye's knowing that they are right from the start 

"Alright, alright that's in enough," the other said trying to calm those two before a fight can be broken in between them " How about all of us go back already before things will get out of hand, and besides we been here long enough, the other might get irritated with us if we stay much longer in this area,"


The two units said giving each other the sticking eye while the unit in front of them just sigh and shock their head before walking away first from the duo 

And duo notices this, they quickly broke their heating glance at each other before quickly  catching up with the unit in front

while those three were walking from this area, they didn't notice a figure step out from its hiding place before raising its right hand and transforming it into a buster while a sly mad ghost smirk appear across its face

"Time to dismantle some reploid for fun then"

Before the gold yellow while the center of the eye is colores little dark orange with black pupils on the middle shine bright with a dangerous  glint fleshing through on both eye as the figure jump into the skies while pointing its buster at the three unexpecting units who are walking away from this place without looking  back where they came from

"Hmmm, Goodbye waste of old scrap metal,"


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