Chapter 20(Part 2)

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Zero Pov:

When we heard Rock scream and fall into a very deep hole where he was searching for any clue or sign that can lead/find X

We quickly rush towards that place to check on him to see if he's okay

"Rock are you in there?"
I heard Blue speak beside Axl while looking down to the hole

Only to find him standing inside of the hole with a few scratch and bends

"Are you okay there in Rock?"
Tornadoman asks while looking down at Rock with a worried expression as same as us

"Yup, I'm okay"Rock reply to his

"Good, now we are going to get you out of there," I said before I could even get one of the search units to help Rock out of the hole

An incoming call from HQ was calling through my communication device on my gear helmet

So I pick it up

"Hello, this Commander Zero of the 0 unit, what is your report"

["Zero, it's me, Alia"]

"Oh Alia what is it? because we are kinda busy getting Rock out the big hole that he has fallen from"

["I have detected an unknown signal down the hole where Rock has fallen, and it seems it was trying to call HQ"]

{Unknown signal and Trying to call HQ?}

I thought to wonder who's signal was trying to call HQ down that deep hole

"Alia, can you verify the identity of who's signal is that?"

["Yes, just give me a few minutes to verify scan it"]


The call was cut off for a moment before I towards the group who looking at me with questions glance same with Rock (He still in the hole, he just staring at Zero from above)

"Alia called me through the com," I said

"Oh, what is it?" Axel said but all of sudden his face turn to something like he has seen a ghost or something "Please tell that she didn't ask anything through com to make me do her a favor or something again"

"What? No" I replied, "She said that there a strange signal coming down where Rock  fell,"

"Oh that's good," Axl said while releasing a sigh of relief

That makes me wonder why Axl is scared of Alia favors

I was about the Ask him but Cutman already did it for

"Dude, why are you so scared of Alia?"Cutman asks "I mean She asking you favor, so why are scared?

"Remember the time I said I forget to Alia with something and she punishes me to clean the weapon storage," Axl said

"Yeah/yup/yes/I still remember that"

"Well let's just say, she is flipping scary when you didn't do her favors on time," Axel said with a slight shiver at that memory

Now I want to know what happened between Alia and him

and I know I wasn't the one only who is curious about it neither

Before I could even ask him

A call from HQ came calling through my call again

It seems, that Alia is finally done scanning the signal down the hole where Rock was

I wave my hands towards to keep their voice down, so I can hear Alia call

"Alia, what is the result of the scan? I ask through the com

[" Zero, it's from X" ]Alia said

{Wait what!?}

"Alia are you sure it's really him? because I don't really want to have false hope in hearing that," I said

["I know but it's really him, Zero," Alia said ["I Rescan it too many times from me to count Zero, before confirming it was him and codes of that signal were the same as his"]

Knowing Alia, she never lies about something like this

"Okay, and Alia thanks btw," I said while feeling like a smile about to form on the face

["No problem, I will send the map of its location through your program "]
Alia said ["Btw Zero"]

"Yes, Alia?"
["Bring back our blue *mom* back"]

I snort at that

I glanced towards the others who looking at me with a curious glance wondering why I am smiling (Expect Axel because he is fearing if Alia ask Zero to tell him that she has another favor for him to do but he also curious about what Zero and Alia are talking about)

"What is it Zero?" Elecman ask "What did Alia say about the signal down the hole that she scans"

"Alia find out that signal coming from the hole is was X," I said

"Oh okay-wait what Moi name!?"
Jewelman said looking at Zero in shock

but he is not the only one who has the expression

"Please tell me, you are not lying to use bro," Oilman said

"Yeah, are you really sure about that"
Blue said

"Yes, because Alia never lie about this or anything in those years with us being hunters" I replied

"Fair point," Bombman said

" mean that X is the down below inside the hole where Rock was fallen right," Gustman said

"Yes, I'm going down there while you Axel are in charge," I said, "and Rock I'm going to get some hunters to get you out of the hole-"

"No thanks Zero, I want to help you finding X," Rock said

"Are sure about?" I ask

"Yes, X is my baby brother," Rock said "I want to help you in finding him down here inside this hole after all I'm already down here, it would be a waste of energy to getting me up there again"

I was about to say anything but Blue cut me off

"You can't change his mind Zero," Blue said while there a smirk on his face " he is stubborn as a rock, trust me I know because of experience"

"I'm not!" Rock shouted while glaring daggers at blue

"Yes, you are" every Light and Cossack
robot master said with a dead expression across their face saying " don't lie"

I chuckled while Axel was trying not to laugh

{X really does resemble Rock that much except the height and green eyes but the stubbornness are really just the same"

"Hmph-!"Rock puff his cheek and cross his arm

"Okay, okay you can help me find X," I said while giving Axel a final glace that is saying he in charge while I and Rock are going to find X

Axl nod in understanding

I jump down and landing down smoothly on the ground while my hair fall gracefully

" Zero how are we going to find X here?"Rock ask

"Don't worry, Alia send me a map where X was located in the system" I said before checking the map on where to go " Let's this way"

"Be careful rock!"Hornetman said

"I will!" Rock replied before following Zero

Don't you worry X, we will find
if the lasting we do

"Commander Sigma it's is finally finish...."

"Excellent, with the hunters and robot master won't stand a chance against my metalloids and raisin army from the grave"

"Yes Commander, one push of this red button, every single one of them will wake up in a fully functional state"

"Well then... let the fun begin"


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