Chapter 5

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Everything was in chaos, there was a lot of swords and buster shooting or clashing with each other.

Around the area of the battlefield, there were a lot of mavericks body parts scattered to the ground while the battle continues with the reploids and robot master to destroy the remaining maverick

"Man, This insane!"Bombman said while he destroys another maverick with his bombs

"No kidding"Iceman said while he  freezing his enemies with Ice's powers

Dust and Tornadoman have teamed up on each other, Tornadoman have created a massive cyclone that has swallowed a huge number of maverick and Dust have covered the Tornado wot dust to blind the Maverick units inside and while Fireman  have set the cyclone on fire while burning the maverick inside alive

Splashwoman created a huge wave and drowning the maverick in the water while Elecman use his powers and have set the entire electricity on the wave, while the maverick is being electrifying with a hight volt of electricity

"Darn it! there still more of them coming this way"Zero said while slashing very maverick with his Z-saber

Axl was shooting the mavericks with his Axl-bullets in a frenzy with the other robot master

Protoman/Blues smack the maverick with his shield before shooting it on the chest while Drillman, Gustman, and Concreteman crash their enemies

Megaman/Rock and X blast use their buster to blast the maverick while helping their other siblings to knock down mavericks off their backs

The fight only lasts for less than an hour, There are were many body parts of the maverick were scattered to the ground but the good thing is none of the hunters where injured

"It's finally over?"Brightman ask

"Maybe, but stay on your guard. you never know their if a surprise attack" Zero said still looking around to see if there some maverick are still alive

"Well very said Zero"

Everyone turned and saw a purple reploid with a blaster on its shoulder and its helmet had a letter T on it, standing on a tall rock

"Vile!? I thought you were destroyed after the fight on the moon" X said

"Yes I was destroyed but Sigma brought me back to life, to destroy you and the Hunters" Vile said before getting down from the rock and started shooting at X and his friends

X, Axl and zero consistently fight on vile but something have changed in vile because he got stronger than he threw Axl to the nearest Rock and while Slamming Zero on the ground

Vile blasted X with a strong shot behind X back while X was knockdown to the ground unable to move because of the damage that has caused by the strong blast

"Not so all high and mighty now X," Vile said stepping on X's broken shoulder

"Argh!"X wince in pain while his version is getting a little fuzzy because there's a lot of oil leaking out of him

"Now say your good-byes X"Vile said pointing his buster on X's head and readying to shot X in an inch of a heartbeat but he was cut off by a surprise shot

"What the-"

"Stay away from my little brother, you bastard!"Blues said
Shooting at vile with rage.

Same with his other siblings who were in a fist rage that someone dares to hurt their youngest members of the family, And didn't take along for Axl and Zero to join them in beating up the reploid into the living shit

Rock move towards X at high speed, Checking him if he was okay.
What he saw was not okay.
X was leaking a lot of oil and his body having a little static of electricity because of the damage.

Rock quickly put his hands on X side where the oil was linking from, and also he was holding X within a death grip while panic and fear were written across his face

"X!? are you okay?" Rock ask
X nod his head a little while trying to stay awake but end up miserably falling unconscious

Vile was sent flying by the combination attack by the siblings with Zero and Axl

"It's over now vile!"Zero said
pointing his buster at him

"I don't think so... Zero"Vile said
before being teleport out, by someone to escape

With that said and done he was gone

"Darn it! he escapes!"Zero said while turning off his buster back to his hand

"X!"Axl said

As he running towards his injured friend while X's siblings were right behind him and zero

They saw Rock who's was holding X side with panic, there was a lot of oil leaking out of it.
X was already unconscious because of the oil lost

"We have to help him!'Rock said
Still holding where the oil was leaking out from the side.

One of the reploids was a doctors came on rushing towards X with a first aid kit and patched up X's wound for a moment to stop the oil from leaking out more than before

"We need him to get into the med bay quickly!" The reploid said
looking at all the oil that has been spilled on the ground

"On it, "Zero said
Taking X left side while Axl took the right side and carefully lifting X while supporting him to the transport where the medical staff are

The reploids leads the Light and Cossack family's to the other transport
while talking to them to the hunters base

"Is X going to be okay Dr.light?"Roll asks while looking at the other side of the transport were X was being supported by the reploids who have nursing skills in keeping check of the wound

"I don't know Roll, but I'm sure X is going to be okay because he strong than you think, "Dr.light said
Putting a confronting hand on roll's shoulder

The ride throughout the filled was silent and finally, they have reached the maverick hunter base

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