Chapter 69

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"I see you two already here first then," Blues said  looking towards the two twins who are laying down in a sleeping spot "And it seems you guys have things prepared already, Huh,"

it seems they were waiting for him to get here

"Yeah, And also what took you so long to get here?" Rock asks before moving over from his spot for Blues to get in between him and Roll in the middle of the bed

" Doc. Light ask me to get some extra things for our sleepover  with X, just in case but it seems we don't need to," 


"By the way, I ran into Zero in the hallway," Blues said while covering himself with a blanket and shifting over pop over back in his position "it seems he was trying to go somewhere,"

"Oh, I wonder where is he going this late,"

" Maybe to find Bass since they have to share rooms duo to keep eye on him since he was still newly repaired from what I heard that he got injured fighting with a spy with Zero backing him up plus Bass hated sharing with the other wily bots to keep eye on him because we know some of them love to annoy the living hell out him when they got a chance to annoy him, So I guess both they have not choice but to share," Blue said finally finding a perfect sleeping position to sleep in " I could've sworn that I also saw Zero eye twitch in annoyance too,"

"Well... You can't really blame him about it though considering how Bass attitude and all," Roll said twisting the locks of her hair into curls 

" Yeah, considering their reaction to in being said sharing the same room,"



A loud shout of disbelief rang through the entire

"Sorry, you have to share with someone to keep an eye on you since you are still newly repaired,"

"Repaired? since when did that happen," Metalman raise an eyebrow in question

"not a while ago when every unit was set to the battlefield in backup to fight Lumine off," Zero said " also we found out that there was a spy in the base,"

"A spy?"

"Yeah, the spy was caught not long ago when battling Zero and Bass but Bass got injured in the  battle I'm right?" Signas said while reading the report on what happened 

"He was caught off guard in battle," 

"Caught off guard? since when did that happen?" Quickman ask looking at Bass with a questioning look on his face 

"Shut it!" Bass snap at him " Don't even ask about it!"

"Sheesh, I'm just asking. No need to snap," Quickman said while rolling his eyes before crossing his arms 

"Back to the topic, Why do I have to share a room with someone!?" Bass asks looking more piss than ever 

"Someone needs to look after you since you are still newly repaired, we have to make sure there is no malfunction on the new repair," Doc. Cain said while stroking his beard 

this caused Bass to send him a glare of annoyance

"Ugh, fine! But I'm not sharing with them!" Bass pointing towards a group of wily bots 

"Huh? and why is that?" Flameman ask while raising an eyebrow in question 

wondering why would Bass won't share a room with any of them and he doubts that he would share a room with cossack or light bots too 

it's not like they are going to annoy him the living bolts out of him though 


Eh, not his problem that Bass is so easy to tease and to piss off. It's kinda funny seeing him raging a bit but it becomes not so funny when Bass started using physical force to stop the teasing rather spatting curses and threats 

So yeah, defiantly not their fault

"How about you share rooms with Zero then?"


the sudden pause in the air causing a thin line of silence to ring in the entire like bomb that has been dropped all of sudden-



"If you don't want to share rooms with your other brothers then how about you share with Zero since we know that you won't also share with any of the Cossack and light bots, so maybe you can go with Zero then plus it might a good start to get known each other," Doc. Cain said while eyeing the two bots who are speechless at what they have heard



And it seems they are still processing what Doc. Cain has said, if not for a loud screeching shout that rang to the entire room 


~Flashback end~

"You what happened next right?"

"Oh yeah, Bass was so mad- not more like furious because of that you can see smoke coming out from his and Zero have to get more convincing from X to get along with it but clearly see  that he is very grumpy about it," Roll said while fixing her pillow 

"Yup, He still grumpy about, and I bet he going to get grumpier in the morning, "  Blues said

You can tell from his voice that he was speaking from experience since he did stay at  Doc. Wily skull fortress before he finally goes back to Doc. Light household and mending some issues between Doc. Light and him along the way

"I wonder when are those two are going to get along though but guessing from what Bass is, even the other wily bot/brothers are having a hard time getting along with him before... I am not saying they get along at first," Roll said 

"I'm guessing it would take another 100 years or maybe more than that. I would be surprised if those two get along soon or later," Blues said


The door that leads inside the bathroom has creaked open, allowing the person to step outside 

"Oh hey Blues, I see you are already here," Rock said while rubbing the water droplet off his face with a dry towel before removing it 

"Yup, I and Roll were discussing something,"

"Oh, what is it?" Rock asks

and inside the open door, Roll and Blues saw X standing in front of the mirror, brushing his teeth. X turn around and wave at them before turning back to the mirror


"Come on, you don't have to drag me back y'know?" Bass said as he was dragged off from behind by Zero 

"I know"

"If you know then... Let me go!?"

"Let me think... No,"

"You little-"

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