Chapter 2

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X saw all the robot Masters and the two doctors along with doc. cossack's daughter Kalinka are also waking up from their hibernation in decades in years.

He was so nervous that he took a little step back at the corner of the room while watching his creator and older siblings getting out of the capsules one by one.

Once all the Robot Masters have finally awoken from their different state of hibernation. The reploids have greeted them in the future and telling them what had happened decades ago after the final plan of Doc. Wily.

Doc. Cossack was interested in the reploid races, so he asks some questions towards the other reploids about their races and technology.

Doc. Light came out of his capsule and wonders around the room and accidentally bumping the reploid in front of him

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you-wait you don't look like a robot master"Doc. light said while looking at the reploid in front of him in shock.

"Oh my god, your Doc. Light who build the ever first(*Ahem long with Doc. Wily*Ahem )robotics life in history, It would be the honor of every reploids to meet you in real life doc. light"Douglas said
Shaking doc. lights' hand in greetings

"I'm sorry, what was the word that you use in your races?" Doc. Light asks The reploid in front of him while having a flashback about a certain blue robot on his lab

"A reploid sir, We are base to-I think he can tell you," Douglas said
He notices X standing in the dark side corner of the room while watching them talking to each other

Doc. Light turned to the direction where Douglas was looking and saw a familiar reploid who was standing in the corner of the room watching them talk to each other.

Once he finally remembers the reploid who was standing in the corner of the room, was his last creation or his youngest son X

"X is that you?" Doc. light said while smiling warmly at the reploid

"Doc.Light...Is that really you?" X asks Not believing this is real but if this is real than he doesn't want to wake up from this dream that he might be having

"Yes X, it's me"Doc. Light said

X can't stand it anymore, He ran towards his creator and give him a hug meaning that he been dreaming this for along time to happen even if it just a dream

"I have been a dream about this moment doctor if it ever happens to become real" X said while a single teardrop ran down for his cheek

"It's okay son I'm here and I'm not going anywhere, and please call me father/dad"Doc. Light said
Gently patting X's helmet

"Okay father "X said while letting go of doc. light

They notice three-figure coming towards them while smiling at the father and son moment

"Dad! Is that our youngest brother X?" Rock said looking extremely happy that X is finally with them standing and talking, and not inside the capsule that they put him in decades ago

"Aww, What a touching father and son moment, "Roll said
Smiling warmly at her youngest brother and Father

"Hello X, I presume that you know who we are, right little brother? "Blues ask X And X give him a nod and a smile to his older brother meaning that he knew them

"Good" Blues said
Smiling at his youngest brother

Rock turned around to the corner of the room and

"Hey, guy's! Our youngest brother is here with us!"

Rock's shout caught the attention of the robot master, that stoped what they are doing and walk towards rock who's was standing near at the their youngest brother

"Mon dieu! He kinda looks like Rock but his taller than him and also he younger than us"Jewelman said while Rock who was looking really offended at that statement of his brother have said


"Hi there X, I'm Elecman. I bet you already knew it, I'm right?"Elecman ask
X give him a nod

"Yes" X said while smiling to his other brother, Elecman smiles at him

X suddenly feels that someone had pick him up and give him a big hug behind his back while zero and axl were watching in delight at the family reunion that was happening.
X turn around to look behind him and saw Gustman grinning at him while give him a hug

"Hi there little bro, do you know who I am right"Gustman ask X

"Gustman, I presume, "X said looking at his other older brother but to be honest he can't believe that his family and cousin were alive this whole time

Gutman grin at X and putting him down carefully to the ground

"Yep, the strongest among the light bots, "Gutman said while patting X's helmet

As X was really getting along with his other family members.

Rock saw two figures standing in the corner of the room but the one on the right side was very familiar to him.

Once he takes a little step closer and finally l saw a familiar red and white with yellow lines armor and a blond hair ponytail.


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