Chapter 5

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Pic of Jake btw
Lilly and Melody had learnt their lesson as a result of yesterday morning events and so were both wide awake and getting dressed by the time I had awoken. All three of us made our way to the cafeteria for morning breakfast. When we arrived Ren, Aron and Jake were already seated at a table. We were making our way towards the table when we heard the clatter of a tray from behind us. Lilly and I turned around to see Melodys' face planted in a bowl of oatmeal and a dark skinned girl with long black loosely curled hair that had dark blu tips looking at her as if she was gum at the bottom of her shoes.

" Watch where your going cluts.", she screeched at Melody.

" I don't know why you are even here. I doubt even the Immortalia serum can even make u decent, much less beautiful.", she continued and proceeded to flip her hair, while walking away from Melody with her group of followers following behind her. Melody looked to be on the verge of tears, so Lilly and I rushed to her aid, getting her another tray of breakfeast and escorting her to the table.

" Who was that girl?", I asked Melody as we took a seat at the table, which the boy's were seated at.

" Natasha and her right hand follower is Kiah. She lives in the same home as me and makes sure that every second of my life is a living hell."

" If she ever tries to trouble you again. I'll deal with her you here.", Ren said to Melody.

" Yeah. I got your back too Little Red. I have some new pranks I've been itching to try out.", Aron responded mischievously.

" You've got us now, so you have nothing to be afraid about. Like you said before, friends stick together.", I encouraged Melody.

" And hey. I heard oatmeals great for the skin.", Lilly said, which made Melody crack a smile.

Once again after we all had finished eating we reported outside the cafeteria in our lines.

" Today's test will be mental test. You will be transported to the facility in which the mental tests will be given in these black limos. Please occupy the vessels, so we may get to the facility on time. That's all for now.", Instructor Lee informed us, then went into the limo that was in front of all the other limos. Ren, Lilly, Melody, Jake, Aron and I made our way into a limo, instantly occupying all of the seats in the limousine.

" Where are we?", Aron said to no one in particular, as we reached our destination.

" I.M.M.O.R.T.A.L. This is the institution where the Immortalia serum is produced.", Lilly said answering his question.

" Oh.", Aron responded.

Conversation ceased after that, as everyone had their attention on the building that was now ahead of us. My eyes becoming like a camera, scanning my surroundings not missing a detail of the institution. Guards, dressed in all black patrolled the front gates of the building. Five in all did this task, while five guard patrolled the right side of the building, five were also located on the left side of the building and a total of ten guards were around the rear section of the building. The security guards at the gates of the institution stopped the first limousine that was ahead of the long row of limousines. I spotted a hand coming out of the window of the vehicle and in between the hand's fingers it held a car, which I assumed was an identification card that was used to bypass security in the institution of I.M.M.O.R.T.A.L.

" Welcome to I.M.M.O.R.T.A.L contestant's. For today's mental assignment you will be sent into a simulation to test your quick thinking and actions. One tip I have to give you is ' Please stray from hesitating, as your hesitation might cause you you're life.", Professor Kartima ended eerily.

" But please try and have fun too.", she continued, trying to break the tension that was caused from her previous comment. She made her way towards a long row of elevators, which were located inside the lobby, with every one of the contestants following in tow.

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