Chapter 7 Pic of Joey btws

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Pic of Joey btws
The next day was quiet, silent and no one dared to utter a single word. The only noise on the way to I.M.M.O.R.T.A.L facility was the sound of the theme music from the Minecraft game, that Jake was playing.

" Ok. Everyone you know the drill. Take you're seats at your designated areas and place the helmets over you're heads, so that you may begin the simulation.", Instructor Walker instructed us. Once I had seated myself in my area; I had to wait until Professor Kartima gave the signal to turn on the helmets and start the simulation. For the third time, I was once again thrown into a world with no clue whatsoever in what was happening. My surroundings consisted of a basement that contained a wooden work table in the center of the room, a wide variety of chemicals and hardware utensils, including a well-stocked tool box with screws, wrenches and other utensils. But, the one thing in the room that caught my attention the most was the twenty four inch flatscreen television in the corner of the room, that was turned on and was showing a live newsfeed.

" In approximately five minutes a tornado of an intensity of two on the Enhanced Fijita scale will strike Oklahoma.", the brunette news reporter, who wore a baby blue tight dress reported.

There was no doubt in me that Oklahoma was my current location and that I had to somehow stop this incoming tornado from destroying the town, along with me in it by using the supplies that were in the basement. So, trying not to waste any more of my limited time I began to put together my contraption that I would use to stop the tornado permanently or maybe just stop it temporarily. I completed my masterpiece, which was in truth not a very tidy, nor pleasant looking piece of art. My contraption that I had made simply consisted of a kind of explosive black remote that was securely wrapped around with homemade T.N.T sticks, which were previously drenched in alcohol. I had made about six of these and to add the finishing touches on it I had got a roll of duck tape. I made my way unto the balcony, which was on the top floor of the building. By this time the tornado had already made its way to a mere forty-five feet away from me. With all my might I threw my homemade bomb into the eye of the tornado, bracing myself for the possible failure of my actions I crouched on the ground, covering my eyes with my other hand. My theory was to cause an imbalance in the hot and cold air circulating around in the tornado by making an increase of heat, through the explosion of my lethal contraption. The air around me slowed and so did my breathing rate. For once the odds were in my favor, as I observed my surroundings, this time no tornado in sight.

I proceeded through the door, but instead of a cool breeze fanning my cheeks, I was bitten with a stinging heat on my forehead and breathing was a hard task to accomplish, as a result of the heavy smoke, which was being emitted from the rapidly growing fires that could be found in the four corners of the bedroom in which I was currently located in. The only exit in the room was a mahogany door at the far right of the room, but it was, as almost all of the objects in the room, on fire. I analyzed my environment and discovered that there were sprinklers in the ceiling in case of fires and a control panel in the corner, that when I took a closer look at could control the sprinklers in the room. The wooden planks in the ceiling were halfway through in falling down, so my time in figuring out a way to turn on the sprinklers was limited. I hurriedly got to work on the control panel, cutting and entwining the wires inside, until I heard a satisfying groan from the overhead sprinklers and felt a surge of cold water from the sprinklers wash over my body. My lungs were finally cleared of the black smoke,but my clothes uncomfortably stuck to my body. I opened the closet to my left and stepped inside, however instead of being greeted with the sight of clothing, towels, rags on shelves and on racks, I was embraced by darkness and kissed with a realization that I was free falling into the unknown. My hair was defying gravity, as it stood up on my head, my heart palpitated in my chest at an alarming speed and I would have been screaming like a banshee if my throat was not constricted with enough fear that the most lethal and dangerous predators faraway could sense it.

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