Chapter 9

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Am I dead? That was the first thing I asked myself, when I realized that I was floating in a dark abyss, with miles upon miles of darkness surrounding me. There was also a few twinkling of silver spots found here and there on thick sheets of black, which resembled stars. My body felt weightless, my arms and hands pushed and pulled against the air, my form resembling one of a swimmer; how he would push and pull his hands in the water of a pool to get to the other side. My legs and feet followed along, but instead of of pushing and pulling, it began to kick at the surrounding air, moving up and down, until my whole body began to move through black abyss. As I moved farther and farther I began to be able to make out a bright, white, orb glowing in the distance and as I swam closer it tripled in size. It was in the form of a woman and not just any woman, my mother. A smile graced her lips of her angelic form and her voice was as sweet and as smooth as honey.

" You've grown since I last saw you you. You're almost as tall as me, but you're beauty well over exceeds mine.", she said in admiration.

If it was a few week ago I would have ran up to my mother and hugged her with all my love. But, now I was different. Something inside of me had changed.

" Why did you bring me here mother?", I questioned her, getting straight to the point.

" Ah, yes. It seems you're friends and you have managed to unlock you're abilities. This is a great privilege to have and when using you're powers....", my mother was beginning, but I immediately interrupted her.

" I get it. With great power comes great responsibility. Would you please just get to the point.", I said rudely.

I knew what I had said was a great form of disrespect, however my patience was wearing thin. Questions were beginning to cloud my mind on the well-being of my friends. The last time I had saw them was when we were going to be roasted alive in an institution that was mental enough to wire their building with explosives that could be activated with a self-destruct button hidden in their computer mainframes.

" Fine. I won't be able to stand by you're side physically, but I can be with you mentally, for now, giving you consultations on the right things to do and helping you out in using you're powers. Whenever you need help I'll always be there for you.", she explained to me, kissing me on the foreheads afterwards.

" I'll always love you."

I was going to reply, but before I knew what happening the bright, white light, which was being emitted from my mother engulfed me and I found myself lying on the velvet sheets of Lillys' bed, surrounded by Aron, Joey, Ren, Melody and Lilly. Everyone around me took me into a bone crushing group hug.

" I...can't...breathe.", I rasped.

" Sorry.", everyone mumbled.

" I'm glad you're okay, but how did you manage to get us here?", Joey questioned me.

"'What do you mean?", I asked her.

" Well, at the last moment when the flames were close by. I don't know how, but you shouted to all of us to hold hands and then you held into my hand. Immediately afterward you started to give off this purple coloured aura, which passed on from you're hand to mine, spreading like a wildfire on all of us. The next thing I knew we were all transported to Lillys' house.

I took in every detail and came up to a conclusion.

" I don't know either."

Jake and Ren were sitting by the Xbox in the first living room that was adjoined to the second living room, playing Call of Duty. While, Melody, Joey and I were sitting in the second living room, watching Pan on Netflix, along with Lilly and Aron, whom were sitting scandalously close. We were also surrounded by empty Pizza John boxes and empty cans of Cokes. Even though we had gone through so much, it felt as if we were once again normal teenagers with normal teenager problems and nothing had changed. We were laughing, drinking and were merry for once, basking in our celebration of a successful mission. Though as usual all good thing had to come to an end. The station in which we were watching the movie changed and another video began to play.

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