Chapter 4

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Pic of Melody at the top btw

Monday morning arrived and I was rudely awaken by a loud shrieking crow of a rooster. The sound was being emitted through the speakers which were located in the room. Following the rooster alarm came a way too perky and cheery voice of the receptionist, whom we had met earlier on, " Rise and shine campers.( famous quote).", she said.

I groggily rose from my bed, ready to get changed for the long day ahead of me. However, Melody and Lilly had different plans. They both laid on their beds as if they were lifeless corpses and every now and then they would begin a musical of snoring. There was no way I would get them to wake up, I was saying to myself when an idea popped into my brain. I went into the bathroom that was adjacent to my bedroom, caught two buckets of freezing cold water, tiptoed back into the bedroom area and simultaneously threw both buckets of water onto my two hibernating room mates. As quick as a flash both girls were out of there beds, lookin all around them, as if searching for any danger.

" What, When, Where, Who and why.", Lilly said to me while shooting mental daggers in my direction as she finally comprehended what had taken place. Unfortunately, Melody was still clueless and had not yet catched on to the current situation.

" I don't know what you're talking about", I told Lilly curtly, while I held a faint smirk on my lips.

" You!", Lilly exclaimed darkly, meanwhile pointing an accusing finger in my direction. Before Lilly could lunge at me, I luckily dodged her at the right moment and ran out of the cabin still in my pajamas.

My stomach rumbled and I took that as my cue to to go to the cafeteria to get something to eat. I was given odd stares on my way to the cafeteria and once inside it. I paid the glances and whispers no mind because truthfully I could care less what people thought of me. The only thing that mattered to me was how I thought of myself not what others thought because most of them didn't even know me, yet they wanted to label me. In the breakfast I took up scrambled eggs, bacon, and pancakes with syrup along with a cup of hot chocolate. I made a beeline toward the table in which Ren was seated at, which was occupied by two other boys. One of the boys had beach blonde hair, blue eyes, a straight nose and his face was a little round, but at the same time he had a strong and pronounced jaw line. He wore Batman pajamas like me, which showed that he too did not care what other people thought and for that he earned some serious friendship points with me. The boy next to him was shorter than him by at least a foot and had choppy, raven black hair that was styled to be covering his right eye only a little, shocking green eyes, a straight nose and based on looking at his body structure I could tell that he ate rarely. He was also pale, unlike the boy next to him who had tanned skin and by observing his body language I could tell that he did not want to be there. He stared at his food without interest, meanwhile his neighbor aside of him was strung up in a deep and humorous conversation with Ren.

" Who's the blonde and the raven haired boy?", I asked Ren, while taking a seat beside him.

" The 'Blonde' is Aron and the young looking 'Raven' here is Jake.", he answered me.

" And you are?", Aron asked me.

" Ryana. But you guys can call me Ry.", I replied, referring to Aron and Jake.

" So, why are you two here.", I asked Aron.

" Well. I wanted to spend more quality time with my brother", Aron said, referring to Jake.

Jake only grunted in response and continued to play around in his food with his fork.

" Both of you look nothing alike.", I said

" Well, that because Jake is adopted.", Aron answered.

Upon hearing this response Jake rose to his feet, threw away his untouched contents of his food and exited the cafeteria.

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