Chapter • 16 - More lies?

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very nice song 😎
Liams POV

"Fucking maid should get what she deserves." I tell James while explaining everything that happened.

"Junior will be watching over her now. Meanwhile I'll take care of the maid and our men who were assigned to find a good one."

"James I don't know what the hell you were thinking. You guys were all oh well maybe we'll give someone else a chance. no, it went wrong didn't it! We have to be careful, she is the new member to our business, other people will try and come for her knowing how important she is." I run my hands through my hair frustrated.

"Not only she is apart of our mafia but she is our sister. We can't confine her to the house and I know damn well you would. She needs to live a normal life." James replies calmly. Why does he have the calmness in our family, he turned out like dad.

But no I had to turn out like that woman I'm ashamed to call mother.

"We need to be cautious, and I could give a flying fuck if she feels confined. That's the least of my worries." She'll understand that I'd do it for her own good. "I'd rather have her alive than dead." I argue, Turning around to take a deep breath.

We've lost dad and I'm not about to lose my sister.

"Liam, we're not going to lose her, I promise you. I'll do everything I can to protect her. I understand why you feel this way-" James protests but I interrupt before he can finish...

"You don't know jack shit!" I yell back before throwing paper work on the floor and pausing.

"You should've just sent her to a foster home, she would've been better off." I grumble before walking out and slamming the door.

He doesn't understand. When I lost Kim when she was a baby, I lost a part of me. Now after all this time we have her back and I just can't let myself get close to her.

If I do I get attached and I can't get fucking attached because then I'll lose her again. And won't be okay.

As much as I want my sister here, I care about her safety.

We couldn't protect her before, what's different now?


James POV

He walks out and slams the door behind him. Paperwork is all over and I swear that door needs changing from how many times it's been slammed.

What a fucking mess.

When father died, it affected Liam the most. He wasn't always the bad kid. He had great grades, a girlfriend, played piano, sports, and was the nicest guy you'd meet.

I guess you could say he was perfect. But then father died and it all started with the bad grades, then disrespecting, drugs, smoking, tattoos, etc.

Through his teen years and early twenties it was hard. But we made it through and even though fathers death still affects him, he has grown up.

The other boys made it through too. Now I have the role of "dad" and I don't know how the hell to do this. I've been going off instinct and look how well it's has been fucking going.

Now Kim is back and I need to be even stronger for my family.

And trust me, I would love to confine her into the house like Liam suggested, but I understand that she should still live a normal life as a kid. I would want the same thing.

Father would.

Liam will come around. He always does. Now time for me to fucking clean this up.

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