Chapter 31 - Hell #1

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Are you guys ready for this chapter? Because I'm certainly not ready to write it but here I am lol.

Also I'm trying to put songs that relate to what the chapter feels like in each one so I recommend playing it while reading :)

Also long chapter, my apologies.


Liams POV

"Get cover! Liam and Junior cover us while we patch up Leo." James yells and I do as he says. Oh god they are everywhere, it's a full on fucking war.

Men on either side shooting, bodies falling.

We had just got home, something jammed our phones and when we got to the location nothing was there.

We knew something was wrong and by the note left there we were right.

We speeded home, calling a bunch of our men to come with us and meet us at the house. Once we got there we saw our body guards laying dead everywhere. We rushed to get in through the back but then we found Leo and he isn't in good condition.

Somebody stabbed him in the abdomen and he was laying on the grass.

He is still awake and alive, my brother has always been a tough one.

But men started surrounding us, everywhere I could see.

Our men got here just In time. They started shooting out, our side having the advantage and more cover.

My brothers and I dragged Leo to cover and Oliver brings a first aid kit.

"Hey Leo, stay awake man, I can't lose you." Oliver shouts tapping Leo on the cheek.

Leo looks out of it. But he says something.

"Get Kim. Find her, they took her." He says groggily and I grow angrier by the second.

Heat rushes up my body and I just want to fucking kill every last one of them fools, starting with that Damon brother of hers.

But I can't. As much as I hate to say it, it's her step brother, and he was there when we weren't. She has to be the one to make the decision-

As much as we fucking hate it.

I grab another pistol out of my side pocket and start shooting with two. Shooting two guys in the head.

James is on a call with someone and I can't help but hear in.

"I don't give a fuck on what is difficult or not, make it happen. If they harm her, they'll wish they were dead." He seethes into the phone.

He hangs up and looks up at me. "We'll find her, no matter what." He assures us and we nod.

And I believe it.

"Shoot the motherfuckers." Oliver adds and we all nod.

Kim's POV

Pain radiates in my head.

It's cold. Really cold.

I slowly pry my eyes open and look around. My eyes burn, my body aches, I'm exhausted, and I'm scared.

Where am I?

It's small in here. Nothing really to see, I'm in a small black room.

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