Chapter • 22 - Interrogate

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Brothers POVS this whole chapter.

Leo's POV

Who the fuck wrote this to my sister? It's like they want their asses dead.

"Leo. Are you listening?" Liam asks and I just nod in response.

They are conversing about what we are going to do. We recently stopped another deal the stupid guys were making and we took back a guy with us.

Yeah he is in the basement.

No we haven't told Kim and we aren't planning to.

It's already dangerous as it is that she knows about us being in the mafia, she doesn't need to know we torture guys and hold people in our basement.

Anyways, we're planning to show this picture to him and get information off of him.

They aren't letting me go down too which is bullshit because I have to stay up here and watch my sister.

I just want to be the one to fucking punch this guy.

Liams POV

James and I head downstairs to the basement. He unlocks the door and we both walk through in the cell room. The sick motherfucker was sitting against the wall looking horrible and I can't help but laugh.

James unlocks the cell door and I walk in first. I stop in front of the guy looking down at him and he slowly lifts his head up to me.

His face looks bad. This guy looks as if he is at least 16 years old. He is so young, and involved in reckless shit. What was he thinking?

Again, I could care less.

If you mess with my family, you deserve whatever the fuck happens to you.

I grab his shirt collar and force him to stand up. I think some of our guys either broke his leg or something like that. Lets see if he can still walk with it.

I let go and he falls to the floor. He groans out in pain and I just bend down on my knees to be leveled with him.

"Look, why don't you answer this little simple question and we'll make your death quick." I grin at him.

I reach down in my pocket and pull out the crumbled picture. I open it up and look at it for a few seconds. Anger fills inside me as I continue to stare at it. I flip the picture around and show the guy.

"So, you know anything about this?" I ask him, I look him down to make sure there isn't any bullshit.

He coughs and clears his throat. Pushes himself off the ground a little with the tiny bit of strength he has left.

And he starts laughing.

This asshole thinks he can fucking laugh?

Before he knows it, I throw a punch at him in the face and blood starts pouring out of his nose. He squeezes his nose with his hand and gives me a stare like if he is gonna kill me.

I'd like to see him try.

"Now, focus. Do u know who did this?" I growl at him.

He looks at me for a few more seconds before finally looking down at the photo. I swear I can see a slight smirk come on his face, I feel like fucking punching him again.

But I'm not stupid. I need information.

"Of course I know who did this. Now, if I say it or not depends on you. I just want one thing." He replies and I laugh.

"You think I'd do something for you? You got it all wrong." I snickered and he shakes his head.

I'm about to throw another punch at this sickos face when I feel a hand stop me.

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