The Rain Walker

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The rain gently patted against the roads and pavements, leaving a slightly flooded town. Everyone was back inside their warm homes while the lightning zapped the taller trees in the distance, barely missing the omega willow tree. The footsteps made the water sat on the pavement jump up in delight and made the figure seem in a rush. He wasn't in a rush however. He was doing the thing he always did in the rain. Walking slowly. The roads were deserted as Alice passed the lake and "The Barge". It was flooded and the items were probably getting wet. He couldn't care less. He kept on his little stroll and looked around at all the different shops: Aqua Town was to his south, his best friend's base to his west, the portal home to his north and his humble abode to the east. The package he was holding had to arrive safely, even if it wasn't his main priority. Alice turned left and raced towards to his friend's base, soon to be reached by the edge of the island the town was situated on.

The dock was full of small wooden boats that could easily fit two people. The waves came and crashed against the dock, soaking Alice's feet more than before. He sighed before getting into the swaying boat. Rowing took a lot of effort and time, especially since the waves from the storm were pushing him back towards the dock. The boat hit against the ocean base, causing the it to tip slightly and make Alice jump out of his skin. He leaped out of the boat onto the land. Racing for his life, package in hands, he sprinted down to get inside the base.

Alice's midnight hair stuck to his wet face. His hoodie was soaked and his leggings were drenched. His eyes weren't shining like normal and his smile had been wiped off his face. His shivers were horrible and he was freezing but he needed to find his friend.

"Impulse? Impulse! I have your package!" Alice called out; his voice hoarse.

"Woah Alice! What happened to you?" Impulse replied, entering the room with towels and a spare change of clothes. "You really need to stop walking in the rain. You're going to get a cold one of these days and then you'll come complaining to me about it!"

"Sorry Impy."
"It's fine just go and have a warm shower and get changed."

Alice sighed before leaving the room and climbing the stairs and heading to the bathroom. He had done this routine too many times. This time, Alice didn't bother taking his soaking clothes off. He was just getting even wetter but this time the water was hot. It felt nice against Alice's cold clothes and hair.

Impulse had been his closest friend for the longest of time. Impulse had been busy with his other friends, Tango and Zedaph, and also with working on his base, causing the two of them to not have much free time together. But it was days like this that let the two boys catch up with each other and actually spend some bonding time together. Impulse stood by the window, staring at the rain. It never rained often, but when it did, he appreciated it. The main reason he enjoyed it was getting to see Alice, but he never said that to his friends. Nobody knew who Alice was except Impulse. Alice was just the "Rain Walker". Someone they only saw during the rain. Everyone sat at their windows to see the Rain Walker, but he was normally in all black, causing him to be unseen. Yet Impulse knew the truth behind this "Rain Walker".

"Impy why am I wearing your iconic t-shirt?"

"Because it suits you, idiot."

"But won't you-"

"Shut up and come with me."


"You want to watch the rain fall, don't you?"

Alice's face lit up, a large smile creeping along his face. He had always loved the rain, ever since he was a child. His childhood home was a depressing and abusive place. The rain was calming, and it reminded him the way he could one day escape and be free. That time was now. Walking up the steep steps of Impulse's staircase, hands interlocked and hair drooping in both the boys' faces. There was more than a friend connection between the two of them, but nowhere near lovers. Alice felt a tug at his hand, Impulse indicating they were on the roof. Alice felt the rain pat his head like he was a dog, but it was slowly starting to fade. Impulse pulled Alice down onto the chairs, which were covered in towels that had soaked up the raindrops.

The clouds covered the magnificent sunset behind the silhouette of the two best friends. The moon had slowly started to rise, the wind gently coming to a stop. Impulse's head rested on Alice's shoulder as the moonlight illuminated the Rain Walker and his best friend.

An OC in Hermitcraft! I hope you enjoyed reading this and look forward to see if you read onwards!

This is Impy, signing off!

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