The Dreaded Birthday (Renskall)

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TW: Panic Attack, Described Loud Noises

For all you Renskall lovers (looking at you Phantom, Storm, Six)

I projected something that happened to me like- yesterday in the UK- onto Ren so that was fun :D

It was the celebration of a birthday. The one thing Ren dreaded. He had to show up. He had to go and hear all the loud noises. He had to attend because this time, it was his  birthday. Nobody knew why he never attended birthday celebrations. He always made the excuse he was working on something important or meeting with someone so he could escape the sound. Everyone was expecting him to be there, it was his birthday after all. He felt himself drag his feet along the floor, ready to fake his happiness. He stared up at the town hall, containing balloons and flashing lights. Of course it has to contain loud music. Why don't they understand I hate loud noises?! I mean I'm a dog hybrid for gods sake! Ren sighed and walked himself up to where the celebration was being held. He put on his fake smile and fake personality and walked into the loud party that was being held.

"Hey dudes!" He giggled, faking every smile and every joyful action. 

"Hey Ren! Happy birthday!" Grian shouted over the loud music, making him wince slightly.

The evening was filled with happy birthday wishes. There was only one person Ren was so excited to see. Iskall. He knew Iskall wasn't doing great mentally, especially after the drama with Stress. He gulped and scanned the room. Iskall wasn't in sight. Where could they be? They were the reason I came here. Is Iskall safe? Is Iskall ok?

"Hey Ren! Happy birthday dude. So sorry I'm late and all. Just y'know..."

"It's all good, Iskall! It's not your fault Stress.. y'know... broke up with ya... But hey! You're here now and I'm here for you, my dude! It may be my birthday and all, but don't think that'll stop me from helping you!"

"Thanks dude... Honestly I don't know if I want to be here.. Not saying your birthday is-"

"I feel the same. I hate the noise. It's so loud. My ears are so sensitive all the loud noises hurt."

"I-I'm so sorry I haven't noticed! Is there anyway I can help? I feel-"

"Issy, listen. It's not your fault you haven't noticed. I thought it was obvious but I've realized it isn't. It's not your fault."

Ren wrapped his arms around Iskall, enclosing them into a tight hug. The noises were getting louder and louder and the pain building up was overwhelming. Ren felt tears roll down his face as he buried his head into Iskall's chest. His breathing was fast and he started shaking. He felt a pair of arms wrap tightly around his back, before he hear Iskall's voice.

"It's ok Renny, I'm here for ya. The noises will be over soon. We can go out for a walk if it'll make you feel better. You don't deserve this on your birthday but I'll protect you Renny, I promise..."

Ren pointed over at the door of the town hall. Iskall scooped him of his feet and started walking. Ren giggled before wincing again at the loud noises. Iskall let out a small smile before quickly diving outside the building. They made sure Ren wasn't panicking as much as before strolling to go and sit on the beachside at the edge of the shopping district. 



"Thank you..."

"No problem! Anything else I can do?"

Ren mumbled something.


"You could..."

Ren paused. Am I really about to say this? It's his birthday gift to me, right? Yeah! I've got this!

"You could kiss me..."

"I-... I'd love to."

"W-wait- really?! Why would you-"

Iskall grabbed the male sat beside him and kissed him. The kiss was short and sweet but it was enough to shut Ren up for a moment. They giggled slightly as they looked at the flustered face of Ren.

"I love ya, Renny."

"L-love ya too Issy."

Ren placed his head on the Swede's shoulder as they stared off into the sunset. The fireworks were drowned out by the love the two hermits had created. The perfect birthday had been created.

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Please I love that art work I did-

It's like 2:30am when I'm uploading this chapter for me. Fun

Ok peace out :D


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