The True Meaning Of Brothers

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Hello people!!! Scar + Skizz + Impulse + Related = This Oneshot!!


(Pronouns guide for this chapter - Scar: He/Him, Skizz: He/Him, Impulse: They/It, Xisuma: He/They (These are all headcanons for this AU, so just enjoy I guess!!))

I don't think there are any TWs, sorry if I missed any!! /gen

Without further ado, go enjoy this oneshot!!

Scar paced back and forth in his room, his finger tracing the wall as he walked. He sighed and looked down at Jellie, who was circling around his feet anxiously. He glanced guiltily over at his communicator. New messages flooded in, mainly from Grian and Impulse, but he didn't respond anymore. Missed calls, missed meetings, missed announcements. He had so many notifications but he just couldn't respond. He didn't feel like how he was feeling was right. He wandered over to his bed, perching on the edge. He hesitated before picking up his communicator. He only wanted to look at one person's messages. "Just check their messages, send them a reply then turn it off. That's all you need to do Scar. Check, reply, switch off. Check, reply, switch off." He muttered to himself. Scar quickly opened his DMs with Impulse to see a frantic amount of messages, the more recent ones catching his eye the most.

<ImpulseSV> Come on Scar. Please respond... It's been days... I don't want to lose you... We've lost Skizz already, I can't lose you too...
<ImpulseSV> Scar... Are you ok?.. I've seen you in your base and all... Just haven't wanted to bother and upset you..y'know?
<ImpulseSV> Scar? It's been a while.. I miss your happy smile.. I miss your joyful voice... What happened?.. Can I help in any way?... I'd probably be no help though... It's my fault isn't it? It was my fault with Skizz... It's now my fault with you.. I'm a screw-up of a brother... I'm sorry.
<ImpulseSV> I wish I could see you... The other hermits and I are just trying to focus on comforting Grian and Cub and stuff... Only Gem and Pearl know about.. Y'know.. The two of us being siblings and all... They're both helping me with my pain but it's hard to fake around everyone else.. I wish you were here with me in person. Sending you the best wishes for a great recovery for whatever you're going through <3 - Your Brother, Impulse.
<ImpulseSV> Xisuma went through my communicator. He tried to sympathise but I just got pissed.. I messed up, didn't I? I miss you Scar.. I miss seeing my brother jumping around, having fun with his friends while I stopped the group from doing anything too chaotic.. It's now just a negative and upsetting place everytime we hold a Boatem meeting... I'm sorry... Did I mess up as a brother again?.. I'm sorry for everything I did wrong Scar. I'm sorry if this is my fault. I'm sorry I had to be the one to be your brother. Please respond soon, if you want to. Just knowing you've read these messages will make me happy.. Love you brother.. - Impulse

Scar felt a tear roll down his cheek after reading one message, more and more joining that lonesome tear as he read each message, most of them signed with love from his brother. Memories of the three of them (himself, Impulse and Skizz) came flooding back and Scar realised how much he needed his brother, and how much this situation reminded him of Skizz.

<GoodTimesWithScar> Impulse.. Don't say that... I miss you too.. Just emotions and figuring out who I am and what happened to me and just everything is happening and I just don't know what to do so I just isolated myself because I thought it would help everyone. Turns out it did the opposite. I'm sorry. Please come over ASAP, if you want of course.. I just want to see my brother in person again.. You aren't a screw-up and it wasn't your fault. Don't apologise. /gen
Read at 3:59pm

He placed his communicator on his nightstand and flopped back onto his bed, listening to the birds sing their merry tune. He felt Jellie climb onto his chest, lying down as he hummed the birds' tune. He pulled his hand up and stroked Jellie, her purring filling his heart with joy. He heard the door open and footsteps but thought nothing of it, knowing it was probably Grian or someone coming to bother him, knowing his brother would never be this quick at arriving somewhere.

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