Until The Day I Die. (Platonic Wels and Impulse)

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Hey besties 

Ok so this is like- a long oneshot so enjoy :D

TW: *tt3mpt3d su!c!d3, slight p*n!c att*ck description.

There's a ton of fluff so dw dw-

Disclaimer! This oneshot is strictly platonic! I am not shipping Impulse in any way due to his boundaries. :)

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He took a step forward and opened his eyes. And there it was. The crazy Boatem community at the sacrificing again. It wasn't what he was there for, but it was certainly fun to watch. He sighed again and looked around. Not here huh?- Where is he then...?

He sighed and walked forward, his sword hanging by his side. His helmet weighed heavy on his head and the armour weighed him down, just like his mental health was doing. He looked up, leaning against Grian's base. He sighed and rescanned the area. Still no sight of the person he needed to find. What if he isn't here? What if he's in danger? What if he's dead? He should have respawned... right? There would have been a death message in chat. Where are you.. My friend..?

"Wels! Come over!" he heard the familiar British, child-like voice call out. He giggled slightly as he walked over.

"What can I do for ya? Or do you just want me to fall down the hole as a sacrifice?" He giggled, trying not to sound like he was faking anything.

"You seemed upset. Is everything alright?" Mumbo questioned, clearly concerned.

"Yeah everything's fine! Just me thinking 'bout projects I need to work on."

"So. Why are ya here?" Grian asked, his eyes filled with curiosity.

"Just looking for someone, that's all. I've looked everywhere for him but I can't find him."

"Who? If you don't mind sharing of course." Scar inquired, wanting to make sure he can comfort the knight that has saved everyone multiple times.

Wels sighed before turning his back to the group. "Impulse. I'm looking for Impulse."

"But he told me he was going to find you about an hour ago?" Pearl mentioned.

"Oh god no."


He ran off, diving through the Boatem nether portal. He dashed down the nether corridor, making his way towards the pigling farm he knew Impulse had set up. He looked up. Nobody. Anxiety filled Wels' mind and he started climbing the scaffolding, due to leaving his elytra back at his base. He started shaking as he climbed. His breath started to become short and sharp. His pulse started to race. His hands sweat and slid down the edges on the scaffolding. The climb felt endless. He cursed under his breath as he fell down a bit, clutching onto the scaffolding a bit further down.

"I don't want to do this... But... it's for the best... right?"

He was so near the top. He had almost made it. He was so close. Save his closest ally, the one he calls a friend. He couldn't let him leave now. He felt himself stand on the afk platform. Impulse was there. He watched him take a foot off the edge. Wels ran forward. He took Impulse's hand. He held him so he wouldn't fall. He wasn't losing someone else.

"Wels?... Why.. Why did you save me?..." Impulse mumbled.

"Because, Impulse, you mean so much to me. The world and more. You're the only person I call a friend. I call everyone else allies. But you.. You are the one true friend." The knight responded as he pulled the other male up so he didn't fall. "Impulse. Listen. No matter what you are worth it. You are perfect the way you are. You don't need the blade. You don't need their hate. You need to be yourself."

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