Chapter 15

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"Lucas?" Yuta asked, looking at everyone, his voice sounding fully puzzled. He felt as if he were supposed to know who this 'Lucas' was but he couldn’t remember anyone by that name.

Everyone in the room, minus Jungwoo, turned and shot him a glare. A sheepish smile immediately came across his face and he walked backwards to the door frame to get away from the glares being sent his way.

"I’ll just go get some water," Yuta mumbled, walking away before one of them would whack him over the head.

Jaehyun rubbed his hand over Jungwoo's back in a comforting manner and hoped that it would calm down the younger. If he found out Lucas did something bad, he would not hesitate to get his hands bruised. Technically, he couldn’t afford to dirty his name with a felony but if he pulled strings just right, he could escape unscathed.

Yes, he was fond of the male but if he had done something to hurt Jungwoo, then his fondness would fly out the window and matters would be handled in whatever way necessary.

How dare he hurt Jungwoo? Rude bitch.

"Do you want to tell us what happened?" Taeyong asked softly, taking a seat beside Jaehyun and grabbing Jungwoo's small hand.

There was no answer but Jungwoo just shook his head no. Taeyong gently squeezed his hand in understanding.

"It's okay. You don't have to tell us at all or you can tell us whenever you want, alright? Just remember we’ll be here for you, okay?"

Jungwoo nodded but remained quiet. No noise was present in the room but it was soon ruined by a shattering sound in the kitchen. Sicheng let out a deep sigh and smiled painfully in apology.

"I’ll go check what my idiot boyfriend just did."

With Sicheng and Yuta out of the room, Jungwoo lifted his head a little bit and looked at Jaehyun and Taeyong each in the eyes with a hurt smile. 

"Don't worry. We- we only broke up. That's i- it," Jungwoo said with a forced smile.

"What do you mean, ‘that's it’? No, it’s not just it," Taeyong replied with a frown. 

"Did he hurt you? What did he do? I swear I will rock his lights if he did something to you," Jaehyun said, a flare of anger shining in his eyes.

"He didn't do any-anything. It was just necessary," Jungwoo shrugged. "It hurts but he- he did what was best and I want to sleep."

Jaehyun let Jungwoo go and the two older ones left the room quietly, not forgetting to close the door behind them and switch off the lights once they exited. 

They headed to the kitchen where they knew they would find Yuta and Sicheng and were met with the Chinese male glaring with folded arms at the Japanese male who was squatted on the ground and picking up broken glass.

"Was that my special cup?" Taeyong asked with a pained expression on his face.

"No, of course it wasn't. I would never use your spec-"

"Yes. It was your special cup," Sicheng spoke up, interrupting his boyfriend. "And he will either pay for it or get you another one so don't worry too much. Unless it was from someone very important, then he will have to make up for it."

"I would prefer him to buy me another one. It's kind of expensive though so it should teach him to never use my special cup again," Taeyong stated with a large smile aimed at Yuta.

"HEY! But I'm broke," Yuta whined with a frown. "I only have enough money to spend on Sicheng. Not for some dumb cup that Jaehyun probably gave you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jaehyun asked, stepping forward and glaring at Yuta. 

"It simply means that if you think a cup is special, then you’re dumb."

"No, I didn't give him the cup but even if I did, it wouldn’t be dumb."

Yuta stood up and subtly stood on his tiptoes to look Jaehyun in the eye. Damn, he would have to start wearing insoles if he wanted to look a tall person in the eye and not have to hurt his toes. Besides, he could use those insoles in order for him to look down on others and have fun intimidating them.

"I said what I said," Yuta said, looking him in the eye with a large smile.

"Oi, that’s enough," Sicheng scolded, pulling Yuta away from Jaehyun's presence, causing his boyfriend to stumble over his feet. "And you have no room to speak considering you give me a cup every year on my birthday."

Yuta huffed and stood beside his boyfriend with a pout. How dare he sell him out?

The four stood in the kitchen not knowing what to do until Yuta bent down to keep on picking up his glass. No one moved after that until every glass shard had been removed from the floor so they could safely walk around.

"I think we should head home," Sicheng spoke up, breaking the silence. "We originally came to take Jungwoo to dinner with us but now in that condition of his, I’m not sure if he is ready to go out yet."

"We can go out all together though!" Yuta exclaimed, bouncing on his toes and latching himself onto Sicheng's arm. "It'll be fun!"

"Yeah, and leave Jungwoo here all by himself? A horrible idea really," Jaehyun stated.

Yuta stopped bouncing and let out a sigh. Unfortunately, Jaehyun was right and that kind of stung his pride to know that he was wrong. It seemed as if he would simply be going back home with his adorable boyfriend and spending the rest of the evening as he had wanted. Cuddling.

Not a bad idea actually.

They bid each other farewell and Yuta quietly drove back home. He wasn’t exactly in the mood of talking and was more focused on trying to figure out if his brain really did fail him and make him forget who Lucas was or if he simply didn't know who it was in the first place.

"-front step?"

Yuta snapped out of his thoughts and realized that Sicheng had been trying to talk to him.

"What? I didn't hear you."

Sicheng let out a sigh but repeated what he had originally said.

"I said, 'Do you think the boy is still on our front step?'"

"Oh. Well we can find out in around three minutes," Yuta replied.

Sure enough, in three minutes they had arrived at Sicheng and Yuta's house. The boy was still sitting in the same place they had left him in and Sicheng felt a wave of sadness come over him for the boy.

"Oh, so you haven't gone home yet to cry in your room?" Yuta asked, peering down at the boy. 

The boy didn't move and just shrugged his shoulders as a response. Sicheng whacked Yuta on the arm and pushed him towards their front door to open it. He wouldn’t be letting his boyfriend deal with the sad boy.

"Come inside with us," Sicheng whispered, leaning down and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I’m fine."

After a while of Sicheng insisting the boy should go inside, he finally did and took a seat at the kitchen table. He looked dazed and no emotions were displayed on his face. It was almost pitiful.

"I’m sorry but can I ask for your name?" Sicheng asked.


Sicheng's eyes widened but he didn't say anything and hoped his boyfriend who stood several feet away was an idiot and didn't catch on. Several seconds passed and Sicheng relaxed since Yuta never said anything.

A gasp was heard a few moments later and Sicheng groaned.


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