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Lucas' shoulder was doing fine, Jungwoo was slowly, very fucking slowly, yet surely getting back on track with eating.

According to the doctor, he had been on the verge of developing some serious problems- such as bulimia- but after getting immense help and encouragement from his boyfriend, he could say he could at least stomach most food.

His cheekbones, which had started sticking out, were now much more filled and his clumsy hands had regained strength. Even Lucas who had to allow his shoulder to heal was going through a kind of tough patch with completely utilizing it.

"Want some Chai Tea?" Lucas offered, Jungwoo partially laying on him on the bed as they read a book together, Jungwoo’s finger stroking the edge of the book page as his other hand held the cute pen Lucas gave him on their first day dating to annotate along the book margins.

He shook his head no in response and quietly, they continued but the smaller could just feel the way Lucas wasn't really paying attention to what they were supposed to be reading but instead thinking of lord knows what while drinking his beverage.

He continuously ran a hand through Jungwoo's hair and with the other, held onto his waist now that he was done drinking the 'spicy' tea.

"Penny for- for your thoughts?" Jungwoo asked, setting the book down to face Lucas instead.

The taller smiled softly, pressing a kiss to his forehead before shaking his head. His purple earrings he seemed to never take off shining and Jungwoo smiled at that, remembering that he had hated those earrings when it seemed as if they were mocking him with the light they so brightly reflected.

"Don't really have anything to say. Just thinking," Lucas stated, attempting to brush it off.


Now he really had to find an excuse.

"How charcoal soap tastes."

It seemed to work. It really did, especially with how loud Jungwoo laughed in his soft voice.

"Funny but- but you lied."


"Okay, fine. I was just thinking of Chaemin-"

"A demon."

"An angel you mean."

"No, demon," Jungwoo 'corrected.' "And she- she finally got herself a partner as well. Seomin."

"Amazing but whatever," Lucas laughed. "I was just thinking that if it weren't for her, we'd never be together and those four wouldn't be behind bars for all those assaults," Lucas explained. "Also, what was her point of bringing you out there that day?"

It wasn't a subject they touched on very often but when they did, it was almost always referred to indirectly.

"She said that- that it should have triggered me to realize that I really did care for- for you," Jungwoo shrugged. "I think she knew that I- I was starting to question myself and if I did like you. But things went- went wrong when you got stabbed. I wasn't supposed to- to see that."

It worked. Albeit definitely not the best take, but it worked. Lucas hummed quietly, pressing another kiss to his forehead before saying the final thing that had been bothering him at that moment.

"Y'know, during that entire time that we were separated, I never stopped missing you but, I felt horribly broken."

It was true. He had been in shambles but he had definitely figured out how to hold up well.

"You might have felt broken but don't forget, you also broke me, but we're fine now," Jungwoo reassured lightly. "And I love you even if we had to suffer to get to that part."

And that first part might have been a horrible thing to witness hearing but Lucas couldn't focus on that, now that he had heard a full sentence without a stutter from the man he also loved. Mayhaps they were getting much better than before.

"I love you too."

But once his mind got passed that, all he could wonder was;

What if from the start, they had just had Trust?

Trust? - LuWoo ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now