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Lucas was ready to commit a homicide if it meant getting revenge for losing every game of Uno he and Jungwoo had ever played together.

He never understood why he always kept on losing until he suddenly realized Jungwoo had been cheating all along. It didn’t matter how often they played together because Jungwoo always managed to find a way to cheat even if he swore he hadn't.

Strange really. How could such a precious person like Jungwoo always cheat?

The door to the bedroom quietly opened, revealing their housemates, Jaehyun and Taeyong, slowly peeking in. Both wary of what was happening behind the closed door.

"Please don't tell me Uno is the cause of this noise," Taeyong said with a sigh.

"OF COURSE NOT!" The two shouted in unison, the two confident that they wouldn’t be scolded. 


"We were just playing a game and Jungwoo lost so I was tickling him!" Lucas frantically explained to the elder, slowly lowering the pillow he held above his head.

"Okay, okay," Jaehyun spoke up, holding a palm up, "No need to shout at him."

A faint pink spread across Taeyong's cheeks making Lucas cough in ‘disgust’ at the two who arrived. Everyone knew that Taeyong and Jaehyun had something going on between them whether they admitted it or not. It was so painfully obvious yet they still denied it for whatever reason.

There was definitely more between them, no doubt. No amount of ‘we’re not’ and ‘we’d never’ would convince anyone otherwise.

Jungwoo leaned back on a comfortable chair, taking out his phone and scrolling through Instagram before stopping on a post of his favourite people, Ten and Johnny. They were his best friends and admired how they loved each other and weren't ashamed of liking the same gender. 

He too wanted a relationship like that. He wanted it with someone who would take care of him and cuddle him when he wanted. He wanted it with someone who wouldn’t think he was too clingy and who could understand he liked affection with the right person.

Jungwoo always thought it was by luck Johnny and Ten found each other. They were a perfect couple. No one could separate them from their strong bond and their loyalty was beautiful. 

They always asked for the other’s consent even if it was just to go to the store up and down and Johnny said it was just in case an emergency happened then they knew where to look and Ten said it was just because they loved each other, a lot.

It was such a simple thing but really, it strengthened a bond immensely.

Jungwoo liked boys but never really told anyone for fear of being looked down on or being bullied. The only people he had ever told were his two friends and his Mom. He thought he had told Lucas but he wasn't too sure. 

He probably hadn't. They had only become best of friends right before starting higher education and although they knew each other for several years, sometimes the smallest of things weren't known to those you thought close.

Ten and Johnny treated him very well and they understood he, too, craved some form of affection and always tried taking care of him. He loved them for that. 

His Mother was also someone he loved very much and knew he could trust her because she always put her heart into understanding him in order to never get upset at him.

He could clearly remember the day he came out to her. He thought she would disown him and yell at him for being a 'disgrace' and call him offensive names but the opposite happened. Instead, she hugged him and calmed him down saying that she would never leave or abuse him for something so little as his sexuality. A weight had been lifted after being accepted by the person that was there for him since childhood.

His dad passed away when he was very young in an accident and he didn't know him very well but it was okay and he managed with one parent and as an only child. His Mother rocked being a single parent playing both roles and that was all he could ask for. 

The only problem he had at home was financial reasons but it was okay since his Mom worked very hard and he had obtained a part-time job in his earlier years so he could help her with bills. Now, he didn’t have time for that and depended on other sources to pay his way through.

Everything was alright in his life but all he wanted now was a significant other.

I just wanna say this is dedicated to Kookvmim because she is amazing and the reason I started my entire writing path exactly one year ago although I started writing this over 3 years ago and finally finished it ;-;

DispatchJanuary1 StrayKidsMyKids Hwangwoonie These are just amazing people that I first tagged when I started publishing lmao

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