Chapter 3

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The morning sun peeked through the opening of the curtain in the room where Lucas and Jungwoo were peacefully sleeping in. Everyone in the area was still asleep at this time except for two early birds.

How dare early birds exist to wake everyone who prefers sleeping in?

That was when Taeyong and Jaehyun came barging into Lucas' room during this quiet time, their vocal cords ready to start yelling because they had come to the conclusion that Jungwoo was 'lost.’ 

Jaehyun opened his mouth to start but quickly shut it with a swallowed sound after he looked into the dim room properly. 

Taeyong, who had entered behind Jaehyun, crashed into the other’s shoulder after the sudden motion pause. He was ready to start whining about the unwarned stop but Jaehyun quickly turned to place a gentle hand over Taeyong's mouth before he could make a sound.

Taeyong pried off the firm grip from over his slim face and glared at his favourite male. Couldn't he understand? Precious Kim Jungwoo was missing from the room and they had to find him. They always checked on the two males every morning to make sure they were breathing and okay and that morning, Taeyong thought he nearly had a heart attack when he couldn’t find the pink-haired male.

"What's wrong, Jae?" Taeyong whispered, honouring Jaehyun’s instruction of being silent.

"Look for yourself but be really quiet, okay."

Taeyong peeked over Jaehyun's shoulder, looking onto Lucas' bed and accidentally let out a small scream. The two froze, hoping the other two wouldn't wake up.

"Didn’t I just tell you to not make any noise?” Jaehyun asked in exasperation, grabbing his someone by the waist and dragging him right outside the doorway.


“Take pictures, Yong, and make sure they're clear as well."

Taeyong wasted no time in whipping out his fancy phone and snapping a decent amount of pictures. Feeling satisfied with the quality and amount, they quickly crept away from the room after gently closing the door behind them. 

Because of the type of friend Taeyong was, he quickly sent them to Johnny and Ten, instantly receiving messages back. 

Replies of; 'Aww' and, 'They're so cute together' came back and the reactions made Taeyong think a little bit. Mayhaps a little more than he usually thought of in situations he normally paid no heed to.

Switching off his phone, he took a seat next to where Jaehyun had been sitting on the sofa doing nothing and propped himself in his lap.  

"Do you think they’re dating?"

"I don't know," Jaehyun said, pausing a bit as if to try and look at it and process it from all sides. "Last time I checked, Lucas was a helpless heterosexual who stared out the window all day wishing he could have some girl but everyone turned him down because apparently, he looked like a 'player.' He sulked around because of that for a solid two weeks before he eventually gave up."

"Poor kid. I think he’d look really cute with Jungwoo though. Jungwoo reminds me of a little puppy. All soft and you feel the need to protect him. Lucas may be slightly younger but you can tell he wants to take care of him just by the little actions we witnessed a moment ago." Taeyong stated, taking a pause before leaning closer to Jaehyun to whisper into his ear. "Just like I want to take care of you or vice versa." 

He then leaned fully over and rubbed his nose against Jaehyun's cheek, giggling quietly. Jaehyun tried holding in his blush but failed and gave Taeyong a quick peck on the forehead in return.

"We should make breakfast for them," Jaehyun stated, setting Taeyong to a side while trying to find an excuse to move away quickly in order for his blush to disappear. "They might be hungry when they wake up."

"Yeah, they haven't eaten since breakfast yesterday,” Taeyong explained. “And they just ate a few cookies with milk last night."

"How d’you know this?" Jaehyun asked curiously.

"Well, a parent must keep track of their children and they hadn't been out of the room for a while so I just know."

Jaehyun laughed at that as the two started making waffles for the other two that were just waking up upstairs. Must keep the youngsters well fed.


Lucas opened his eyes, slowly looking down at the beautiful boy with light pink hair and the cutest face ever. He had to admit, it felt nice, so nice, and warm and it was just perfect. It seemed like they could stay like that forever.

But alas, all nice things must come to an end and that was when Jungwoo woke up. 

Jungwoo squirmed from Lucas' side and ended up with his face in the other’s chest. Jungwoo clearly knew what he was doing but he didn't want to think about how he would feel later when he would come to his correct senses and so he remained comfortable, pretending to be asleep. 

The two lay there enveloped in happiness and satisfaction until there was a knock on the door and out of surprise, they jumped away from each other. They Immediately regretted it, wishing for time to rewind because now it meant that regret was allowed to settle in but they knew they couldn’t live in that fantasy world for too long and had to spring away for the sake of whoever was out there.

"Come in," Lucas called out while Jungwoo rolled over to the other side of the bed but still under the same blanket.

Jaehyun's head poked in through the door smiling. 

"Looks like you guys finally woke up. You can come and eat now."

Jungwoo covered his face and groaned. That meant that Taeyong also saw them cuddling in their sleep and knowing the two well enough, he knew they would have pictures to remember that 'important' day in their lives.

"Oh no," Jungwoo mumbled.

"What's wrong now?" Lucas asked softly. 

"They saw us cuddling in our sleep and- and as you should know, they more than likely have pictures. So now- now they might start asking us questions and I don't want to answer any because we’re- we’re not even together and you’re straight and you- and you probably don't know and I don't want to say it but I will I'm actually not straight." Jungwoo blurted out.

Lucas smiled, finding his rambling cute and felt a little spring of happiness upon hearing the last four words. Looking at the other, he saw Jungwoo starting to get cloudy-eyed and quickly hugged him.

"Shhh, that's okay. You didn't have to tell me and if it makes you feel better, I don’t think I'm actually straight myself but I'm still trying to figure it out since I only thought of it last night when I saw you," Lucas whispered.

“What's wrong with me? I always do the weirdest things when I'm with him?” Lucas scolded himself. 

Jungwoo obviously didn't seem to mind what he said and just continued taking breaths with his head in Lucas' chest. 

After a while of just sitting there with Lucas rubbing the others' back, he finally spoke up.

"We should go down before they come looking for us."

"Okay but- but can you do me a favour please?"

"Sure, anything."

"Can you- you please carry me to the table?" Jungwoo asked with puppy eyes, "I don't wanna walk."

Lucas smiled, whispering a 'cute' under his breath. Seriously, why was the male so adorable?

He helped Jungwoo onto his back and walked downstairs to the kitchen with Jungwoo's head on his shoulder ready to start a new day. He would have to figure out what to do now with his emotions now that he had indirectly confessed to the pink-haired male.

Fuck that shit.

Trust? - LuWoo ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now