Chapter 1

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After the incident with Uno, the two were banned from playing the game until Jungwoo agreed he would learn to not cheat. So there Jungwoo sat, thinking of one of his close friends who so happened to be a certain someone named Lucas. It was strange and he didn't know why this happened so often.

Yeah, they were close and yeah they hung out a lot but did best friends think of each other a lot? Did they waste a lot of time pondering over what the other may be doing? Did they continuously want to be reminded what their hand felt like? Jungwoo wasn't sure but mayhaps it was a normal occurrence that everyone experienced.

He was thinking awfully lot about the taller and he was certain it couldn't be feelings because wouldn't it be like how people described it? Shouldn't he be acting awkward and turning red at every moment? Shouldn't he be stumbling over what he did when he was in the presence of the younger? So he couldn't have feelings if that was the case. Or could he? He was a natural mess after all.

He stared out into space, rethinking his life choices for way too long, debating whether he did have those cursed emotions called feelings or didn't. He probably did. Really, he shouldn't be worrying but when a good candidate waltzes into your life and stays, isn't that the opportunity to swing and hopefully not miss?

He was having a good crisis until he realized a certain face inches away from him and released a startled scream. The individual laughed boisterously until he noticed Jungwoo unevenly breathing and quickly rubbed his back in a soothing manner with an arm around his waist.

"Lucas you- you idiot. Why would you do such a thing?" Jungwoo asked quietly, steadying his breath. "You know I get scared easily yet- yet you choose to scare the living daylight out of me."

"I'm so sorry Woo I forgot the moment I saw you look so peaceful and-" Lucas caught himself from saying cute, instead, changing what he was originally going to say, "relaxed and I couldn't help but try to scare you."

"That's okay Lu, I know people won't always remember, but please try so this- so this won't happen again," Jungwoo said as he leaned his head into Lucas' chest, not really caring because they were close friends anyway.

Lucas pulled his head closer and gently played with Jungwoo's hair, causing him to nod off from the soft action. Nearly an hour passed until Lucas realized he was staring at Jungwoo in a creepy manner but he didn't care because he was asleep and the smaller male was horribly cute.

Cute? Where did that come from? Lucas was puzzled. He knew he was straight, or at least he thought he was and quickly looked up realizing his thoughts were not that heterosexual.

"Oh no that's not good. How could I think a boy is cute?! No no no," Lucas mumbled to himself. "Even if he's cute that doesn't change the fact that I'm a hundred percent straight. How could I possibly not be?"

He kept mumbling but instantly shut up as Jungwoo began shifting around. Fuck. He was adorable. Best friends could be adorable so that was okay, right?

The smaller slowly opened his eyes, trying to focus on his surroundings, his tired eyes just automatically finding their own way, staring right into Lucas' eyes.



Jungwoo quickly jumped up, barely missing Lucas' precious face in the process.

"I'm sorry Lu! I didn't want to- want to fall asleep on you! I really didn't! Tell me how- how long I was passed out sleeping on you. You should have laid me on- on the bed, you didn't have to hold me you-"

"Shh, that's okay. It really was Woo." Lucas said in a calm voice stopping the boy from rambling.

"No, it wasn't. You could have been- been doing something else like sleeping in YOUR room or shopping or playing games or-"

Trust? - LuWoo ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now