Chapter 2

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That night, all were deep asleep except Lucas. He ended up going back to his room after Jungwoo fell asleep and he was now wide awake replaying the words he heard Jungwoo tell Mr Fuzzy. He smiled as he imagined how it could have played out and wondered what it would be like to date someone like Jungwoo. 

But then he frowned once he remembered the fact that he wasn't sure if Jungwoo ate or not and he was frustrated again.

His mind was all over the place after calling Jungwoo adorable and now he couldn't bring himself to figure out what exactly it meant. It was conflicting. He thought he liked girls but he found Jungwoo attractive. 

Was there a term to refer to someone like that? Were terms even necessary? Fuck terms. He thought Jungwoo was adorable and so be it.

He didn’t think his parents wouldn't mind. His younger brother had a boyfriend and they didn’t mind so it would definitely be the same for him. But then again, what if they were depending on him to bring an heir to their family? What if they had allowed his brother to have a boyfriend with the mentality that he would carry forth the family name? Mayhaps it wasn't just as long as he didn't do drugs and stayed safe, they were happy and didn't exactly care what he decided to do in his daily life but mayhaps that was because he and they had always thought he was straight.

He didn't know how long he was awake questioning everything but soon enough, he heard his door squeak open. Turning his head slowly, he immediately recognized the silhouette. 

"Hey what are you doing up, Woo?" Lucas gently asked.

"I-I can’t sleep and- and I had a nightmare," Jungwoo answered with a small shake in his voice.

Lucas immediately stood up and walked over to Jungwoo in three long strides, embracing him in a warm hug.

"Shh, baby. It's okay," Lucas whispered. 

It took him all it had to not frantically apologize for what he said after realizing what slipped out of his mouth. It was okay. Best friends talked like that all the time. 

With the aid of the moonlight that slipped through the parted curtain, he saw Jungwoo's cheeks tint a light pink which made him feel embarrassed for blurting that out so boldly.  He decided to ignore that for now and instead focus on the shorter in front of him.

"Did you need me to do something? Do you want water? A night light? Anything?"

"Can- can I stay here with you?" Jungwoo asked pleadingly. "But only- but only if it’s okay with you."

"Of course, you can. I wouldn't mind at all and I can't really sleep anyway."

Lucas picked Jungwoo up and placed him on the side of the bed, right beside his place and crawled into his spot. He didn't know what to do, so stuck with laying really still on his side of the bed with Jungwoo doing the same. 

It was awkward. Painfully awkward. He didn’t know if he was supposed to breathe regularly or not. What if his breathing was too loud? Or what if he forgot how to breathe for a second?

He didn't know what kind of friends they were if they couldn't even get that close but it seemed they weren't as close as Lucas had thought. He wished they were closer though.

"You really don't have to- to do this Lu," Jungwoo whispered, turning his head to look at Lucas' side profile. “I’ll just go back to my bed and- and sleep there.”

"That's okay. I really don't mind."

Even though they were friends and even though Jungwoo had had nightmares before, he hadn’t slept in the same bed as Lucas but after earlier that day, he was willing to take a risk and see what it would be like. Normally he would just get Taeyong who would calm him down but that night he didn’t.

The two were wide awake, not moving and breathing felt difficult. Lucas didn't feel comfortable with how they were laying and decided that needed to be fixed immediately. 

"Come here Woo," Lucas said, turning on his side, "we're friends anyway so it wouldn't hurt to cuddle. Now come here so we can sleep."

Jungwoo scooted closer to him and lay with his back against Lucas' chest. He didn't like the very true comment that they were just friends but he pushed that thought away and took what he could get at the moment. It’s not like he could have his way all the time and he would have to accept that they had nothing going on between them.

"Do you not want to talk about what your nightmare was all about? If you don't want to it's okay but maybe you wanna get it off your chest," Lucas asked, staring at the back of the others head.

"I'll tell you some other time but right now I want to- to sleep."

"Alright, have a good rest."

They lay in silence for a while with Lucas' hand playing in Jungwoo’s hair which soon made the older start to feel drowsy. The satisfying feeling on his scalp made him snuggle closer causing him to quickly fall asleep with a feeling of extreme comfort. 

Lucas still lay awake for what felt like a couple of hours when in reality was only around fifteen minutes. Thinking of everything yet nothing at all. His sleep didn't seem like it would come right away so he took this opportunity to think about his life and decide how he needed it to work out. 

"So if I complete my final year of uni next year June, I have approximately a little over a year left. I can have a part-time job for now and then after grad, I’ll need to be a full-time employee. Once I have settled in that lifestyle, I can mayhaps get married to someone amazing like J-," Lucas stopped himself from saying a name he wasn't even certain of. He couldn’t just blurt out names with the older male laying beside him.

"Who- who will you get married to?"

Lucas jumped in shock, not realizing Jungwoo had been listening to him speak to himself.

"You scared me! When did you wake up?!"

"I have no- no clue. I only heard you say the last sentence. That's all. Now, who- who did you wanna say?"

"I honestly have no clue. For all I know I was probably gonna say Justin Bieber."

Jungwoo let out a snort and got comfortable against Lucas' chest to try and fall asleep again.

"Well, I'm gonna sleep. Good Night."

"Yeah, you do that. Good night."

Lucas tried counting sheep in order to fall asleep before he said something suspicious again but before he completely knocked out, he realized something. 

He wouldn't mind falling asleep like that every day for the rest of his life, especially with the beautiful male in front of him.

"I guess I probably did know the name I was going to say," Lucas mumbled before drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

If he stuck to his plan, everything would have to work out.

Trust? - LuWoo ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now