Chapter 11

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The two arrived at a small family-owned restaurant where they found themselves a two-person table with worn-down seats. Menus were already conveniently waiting for them and so they simply scanned through the choices to find the perfect meal for their lunch. 

Honestly, Lucas was concerned for Jungwoo. He knew that the other would be able to eat his meal with no problem even though he had been sick the previous day but it wasn't exactly that reason why he was concerned. 

It was because now that he was able to eat again, the other would most likely overeat. Jungwoo wouldn’t complain that his stomach would hurt nor would he feel it but Lucas would just know that he would eat enough to feed ten people which wasn’t healthy in any form. Of course, Lucas didn’t voice his concerns because the older had been dealing with his condition for several years and he trusted that Jungwoo knew how to deal with himself. 

After several minutes of scanning the menu, Lucas was ready but he still had to wait for Jungwoo to say he was also ready for the waiter. The older kept flipping through the menu, the repeated action making Lucas get bored of waiting so he took that time to examine Jungwoo's features. 

His fluffy pink hair, squishy cheeks, and adorable expression he had when he looked at the food choices. Oh how he wished he could thread his fingers through the lock and plant tiny kisses all over his cheeks and nose. Kim Jungwoo was just breathtaking and Lucas felt giddiness within to know that that man that sat before him was his own.



"I'm ready to order BUT, I should pay for- for my own food."

"Why? I said I would pay."

"I know but I have a- a lot of food."

Oh. Lucas knew that would happen and he wasn't exactly planning to buy a lot of food but it was Jungwoo. How could he possibly tell Jungwoo that he didn’t want to buy all the food he knew the older would order? There was just no way he would do that.

"Woo, it's okay. I can buy you all the food you want, okay? I don’t mind paying at all."

"Lu, I know you- you can afford to pay it but it's a lot."

"So? I’ll pay."

Jungwoo sighed and gave up. If Lucas insisted that he would pay, then who was Jungwoo to repeatedly try to refuse?

Lucas signalled the waiter that they were ready and waited for him to arrive to start ordering. Lucas ordered first, taking only a few seconds to say what he wanted and then Jungwoo. Lucas wondered why Jungwoo had been worried about what he was going to order since the older had only mentioned two separate plates of food but then he realized those were only appetizers and not the main dish. It was until Jungwoo ordered the third plate of his main dish that Lucas began to worry about how much the older was planning on eating.

"Is that all?" the waiter asked after Jungwoo said his last dessert.

"And a- a large water," Jungwoo said with a smile.

"Coming right up."

The waiter walked to a back room where they would prepare the food leaving Lucas to examine Jungwoo and wondered how the older could suddenly eat so much.

"Are you sure you will be able to eat all of that food?" Lucas asked, slightly concerned.

Jungwoo looked at his boyfriend slightly exasperated and grabbed Lucas' large hand with both of his tiny ones.

"Yes, I’m sure."

Lucas didn’t bother questioning it more and instead, they talked while they waited for their food to arrive.

"I never told you what- what charcoal soap tastes like."

“Right, now go ahead and tell me about it.”

“It has a flavour like-”

Jungwoo was cut off by the food arriving and his face lit up once he saw the variety of food. The small table covered with different plates.

"Enjoy," the waiter smiled walking away.

Jungwoo immediately began eating and he was on his second plate of food when Lucas finished his one plate he ordered. Lucas watched as Jungwoo carefully yet rapidly ate his food and he was getting full just watching the food amount decrease with each passing second.

"Aren't you full yet?" Lucas once the fourth plate of food was cleared.

"Not yet. Soon."

A solid ten minutes went by with Lucas just staring at Jungwoo eating and occasionally stretching his arm to wipe away sauces that would get on Jungwoo's face as he ate. The last dessert was eaten with Jungwoo feeding Lucas some of it and then eating the rest. 

Unknowingly to the two, the cashier had been watching with fascination at not just Jungwoo's eating, but also at the way Lucas would make sure the older's face was kept clean and kept making sure to drink water so he wouldn't choke on his food. Oh how wonderful it would be to have such a caring partner.

Once the two were ready to pay, the cashier quickly pretended to be minding her own business and picked up a magazine to seem distracted.

"Uhh, excuse me?" Lucas said, trying to get her attention.

"Oh, I’m sorry. Would you like the bill?"

Lucas nodded and the cashier quickly got their bill ready.

"That'll be sixty thousand won, please."

Lucas somehow expected it to be much more but, even so, he was still slightly shocked to see it that pricey.

"Wow," Lucas whispered, handing over a hundred dollar bill. "Keep the- never mind, I’ll definitely need the change. I’m certain he'll want ice cream later."

The cashier let out a small laugh and handed over the change, watching the two leave hand in hand.

"Wow. They're so adorable together and how is he thin even though he eats that much?" the cashier asked herself as the two walked away. 

"It's most likely fast metabolism," the waiter replied, also watching them leave.

"I guess I’ll never know."

Outside, Jungwoo was clinging onto Lucas' arm as they walked back to school, rambling about the origins of Mr Fuzzy, his giant stuffed bear.

"Oh, so Mr Fuzzy is special because your Dad got it for you before he passed away?"


"That's sweet yet sad."

"It's okay, he died a- a long time ago," Jungwoo said with a smile, looking up at his boyfriend. "Oh! I can finally tell you- tell you how charcoal soap tastes!"

"Oh yeah, you've been tryna tell me for the past few days. But before you do that, please tell me HOW and WHY you know what charcoal soap tastes like."

Jungwoo sheepishly looked to the ground while clinging to Lucas' muscular arm. Really, sometimes he wondered why he knew such things but curiousity seemed to like getting a hold of him and making him try new things.

"Because I was-"

The two froze when several feet ahead Jinwoo and the others emerged from the alley, not even glancing in Lucas and Jungwoo's direction.

The same feeling Lucas had felt in his spine that morning returned but even worse than before and he knew something would probably happen and hopefully, it wouldn’t be to them.

Hopefully nothing would ever come of it but sometimes the spinal feeling was much too scary.

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