Chapter 13

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Jungwoo sat on a chair unmoving. Ropes weren’t even necessary to hold him in place since he was scared out of his mind to so much as blink. His entire body trembling in fear.

He didn’t know if he was even supposed to breathe. His mind felt like shutting down and he was nearly certain he was about to pass out on the spot. Fuck everyone he would literally fall out of his chair fully unconscious if he had to go through that for a minute longer.

His phone was in his hands after he had called Lucas to "confirm" he was okay. He hoped the younger would realize something was wrong with the way he kept calling him "Lucas" instead of "Lu."

"Lucas is so stupid. What kind of boyfriend just leaves their partner to wander around after dark in an area like this? You can tell he doesn’t actually like you," Jinwoo spat.

"H-he does like me th-though," Jungwoo whimpered curling away. How could this trash bag just tell him his boyfriend didn’t like him?

"You're stupid. No one could like you. Do you see yourself? An absolute disgrace but that is currently besides the point."

Jinwoo stepped close, leaning several centimetres away from Jungwoo.

"A disgrace like you should belong in hell. Do you know what that means?"

Jungwoo wasn't sure if he was supposed to respond but just shook his head as a no. Every movement filled with fear.

"Underground and suffering," Jinwoo laughed evilly. "I should teach you to be a man."

A smirk crossed his face and he held out his hand to the side where a silver bat was laid in his hands by one of the other people in the dark, dusty room.

"Do you want to know how I’ll teach you?"

"No," Jungwoo sniffled, trying to sink into the hard chair. Unfortunately, such wishes for himself didn’t work in real life. Damn cartoons for making it seem as if he’d be able to escape that situation.

"Too bad. I’ll teach you anyway," Jinwoo laughed. "You have anything you wanna say before you scream your lungs out and won’t be able to speak for weeks?"

Jungwoo wracked his brain for anything he could say to waste more time but he couldn’t think of anything.  Anything, anything, anything, ANYTHING!

"Nothing? Alright then."

Jinwoo raised the bat and right as he was about to slam it down, Jungwoo thought of something that would hopefully save him some time.

"Wait!" he screeched.

"Oh? Something to say? I’ll give you ten seconds."

"Do you know what- what charcoal soap t-tastes like?"

"What the fuck? Why the hell would I know what charcoal soap tastes like?" Jinwoo asked, puzzled, lowering his bat. "I’m not supposed to be caring right now but WHY did you eat charcoal soap?"

Jungwoo didn’t think he would get this far and quickly began explaining.

"Because it- it was just THERE on the counter and-"

A sudden banging made Jungwoo stop his sentence and peer around Jinwoo─ who had spun around. It was unclear but at first, Jungwoo thought one of Jinwoo's friends was beating everyone up and he was puzzled until he noticed the figure had a pair of cute, shiny purple, flower earrings exactly like some Jungwoo had given his boyfriend a few days prior.

It was obvious Jinwoo was also puzzled as to what was happening until the giant turned in his direction. Jungwoo had never felt more relieved in that moment than any other time to see his boyfriend standing there. Six foot stature standing glorifically.

"What the fuck? Didn’t you tell him you would be somewhere?" Jinwoo hissed glaring at Jungwoo and stomping over to where the boy sat shaking. "Did you whisper something? HUH? I TOLD YOU TO SPEAK EVERYTHING OUT LOUD!"

Jungwoo choked back a sob and looked at his hands. 

"I- I did say everything out- out loud."

"OBVIOUSLY NOT!" Jinwoo boomed. "THEN WHY IS _HE_ HERE?"

Jungwoo prayed that Lucas would hurry up and pulpify the others so he could save him but it felt as if he were taking hours.

Jinwoo raised the bat and all Jungwoo could do was freeze in horror and await the impact. He squeezed his eyes shut and raised his hands above his head as a form of defence.

In 3, 2, 1- 


The loud smash resonated through the room and Jungwoo let out a shriek but soon realized the smash never hit him.

Carefully opening his eyes, he saw Jinwoo laying on the floor, cold and? Unconscious? That was beautiful. Lucas was standing above him, an iron chair gripped proudly in his hands and a large purple bruise on his arm. His purple earring flashing proudly but simultaneously as if it were mocking the darkening bruise.

"It's because I’m a good boyfriend. That's why I’m here," Lucas hissed at the body on the ground, stepping on it to reach his tiny boyfriend.

"Come on baby," Lucas whispered, scooping Jungwoo up in his arms with ease and carrying him away as quickly as possible, not forgetting to kick the bodies out of the way as he waltzed past them.

Jinwoo and the others lay on the ground unmoving and for a second, Jungwoo wanted to feel bad for them because of the strength Lucas must have used to knock them out but realized that they could have killed him and instead, felt satisfied. He couldn’t believe he was kidnapped and nearly turned to mush.

Lucas made sure to get to the house they shared with Jaehyun and Taeyong as quickly as possible and felt slightly relieved that the two older ones were out and wouldn't be questioning them that evening.

Jungwoo was placed on a chair as soon as they got home and Lucas carefully checked for any bruises.

"Does anywhere hurt you?" Lucas asked softly, taking the older hands in his larger ones and kissing his knuckles softly.

"No. Only my arm does a- a little bit. But you’re more hurt than- than I am," Jungwoo whispered, pointing at Lucas' bruised arm.

"It's okay. My arm doesn’t matter right now, alright? You're first."

Lucas quickly checked to see if anything was wrong with Jungwoo's arms before making him go shower and go to sleep. Homework didn't matter at that point in time and would have to wait for another occasion.

Lucas also headed to the shower and when he came out, he found Jungwoo laying on his bed cuddling Mr Fuzzy while facing the wall. Loud sniffles were heard and Lucas sat behind the older, gently stroking his hair. It pained him to see his boyfriend like that and he wanted Jungwoo to stop suffering from the traumatic event.

He blamed himself for that especially because he knew he could have possibly stopped it from happening in the first place. 

"Woo, baby?"

A sniffle was the only response Lucas got and he kept rubbing the older’s hair.

"I know this may not be a good timing but if I don’t say it now, I don’t know when I would. Just know that you mean so much to me and I would do anything for you but it’s because of me that this happened and I think it's best if-"

Jungwoo let out a loud sob hoping Lucas wouldn’t say what he thought he was going to say next but it couldn’t be helped.

"-we broke up."

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