Chapter [1]

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"Watch out!!"

I heard a loud yell echoing through the tunnel system before I felt the pressure and heat of an explosion that could've wiped me out in that instant if it wasn't for the warning. For a few seconds all I heard were dull noises but that didn't stop me from running.

"You really should pay more attention to what's behind you!" Jane scolded me breathlessly as she caught up to my speed. A small glance was enough to see that just as I she was at her limit. Her blue dyed shoulder long hair was totally messed up and dirt was covering her face and fighting gear.

"You look like shit..." I bluntlessly stated because it was the truth and as usual she glared at me with those chocolate brown eyes that were the opposite of intimidating before reloading her gun and shooting three times at what was following us.

We were in a tough situation being chased by three soldiers of the Mellontikos gifted organisation. I wasn't exactly sure with what ability the ones we were fighting were gifted but one of them surely was able to increase their body temperature immensely. The burning on my wrist was proof enough for that.

"Fuck, how did these fuckers even find us?!" I hissed and threw a grenade behind us that exploded a second later. The stairs up and out of the underground storage tunnels of this empty industry building was already in sight.

"They must have also searched for the cursed dagger." Jane breathed out as if that wasn't totally obvious already.

"You still have it, do you?" she added and I gave her a confident grin.

"How could the generations greatest fighter in our group lose an object of that high importance?" I replied knowing damn well that I owned that title and Jane couldn't go against that.
The cursed dagger had been reported to be located near Berlin by a messenger of the Inoue group a few days ago so me and two of the others went to secure it and make sure it didn't fall into the wrong hands. That dagger was rather famous for being an ancient ceremonial device that held enraged souls inside of it. The old tails said that whoever was killed with that weapon would never find peace and be trapped in there for eternity. At the same time the user of it would gain more power each time a murder was committed. The catch in all of that was that with each kill the wielder would lose a bit of their humanity... it was indeed frightening to carry that strangly blue glowing object in my backpack but I, the great Raven, was strong enough to carry out that mission.

With inhuman force I jumped up the stairs behind Jane and continued aiming for the exit where Vince was already waiting for us.
I was confident we won this race when all of a sudden I felt something wrap around my torso and brutally yank me back. I flew through the air in the large factory hall and was about to crash into an old machine when I managed to land on my feet.
So one of those guys could make their limbs extend like gum? Haha.
Raven wasn't that easy to overwhelm.

The problem here was that I was at the opposite end as Jane and in between us three men that had their focus on me while two others could be seen outside the exit.

"GO TAKE CARE OF THESE BASTARDS OUTSIDE WITH VINCE! I'LL TEACH THESE THREE A LESSON!" I ordered Jane who quickly gave me a nod and turned on her heal to exit the building. It seemed like these people knew that I was the one who had the dagger... god damn.

I payed close attention to them in front of me that searched for getting beaten up. Rembering how I had to face members of the Mellontikos organization before I noticed that these people here were more skilled than back then. The way they moved was perfectly balanced and organized... they never lost focus... and most unfortunately I didn't have a clue about the abilities of one of them which turned out to be a great disadvantage.

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