chapter [29]

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With the force of three people including Kate I was pulled out of that room harshly with no explanation.

"Follow along or your friend will die." One of them threatened and I knew well that even if I killed all three of them there was no way I'd escape from here and additionally I'd bring Rune in danger. His uncle would not harm him... he was safer than me at this moment.

Begrudgingly, I did what I was told to and let me be dragged to a similar cell like the one we woke up in but that one was yet another part of this underground base.
They threw in me in there like I was some piece of trash and locked the door so I could only reach through the iron bars.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM?!" I growled at them but except for Kate the other two left to walk back along the way we came here.

"Kate, what will they do to him now?!" I shook the iron bars and punched against the wall seeing the girl flinch. With a shaking breath she let herself slide down the wall on the opposite side of the small hallway and looked at her shoes.

"I don't know." She stated but that made things even worse.

"Cut that bullshit! You fucking bitch knew about all of this from the beginning!" I yelled and let all my frustration out on her with no hesitation. She deserved it for what she did to us.

"I did not! I didn't know that Rune himself was "project healer"!" She defended herself and now dared to look me in the eye as if she had any right to hold something against me.

"What will that son of a bitch do to him now?" I continued questioning her until I heard what I wanted and after a few seconds of thinking she finally spoke.

"Mr. Falcon is not going to take risks nor does he hold back from anything... so if he wants to use Rune's powers for himself... he'll either blackmail him, torture him until he goes insane or he'll use the cursed dagger to kill him and absorb his power." She said these words totally unimpressed but to me they were like a slap across the face. Rune was smart enough to not get himself in danger, right?... Right?!

"You trained together every day and you don't even feel the slightest bit of bad conscience... you're worse than me Katheryne." I wanted to tell her how disgusting of a person she was. Kate did not deserve sitting here and not paying for what she did. She deserved fo suffer... and I'd make sure she did.

"Of course I feel bad for him... and for Jane. She-"

"Don't you dare speaking her name in front of my face! You hurt her so badly she's probably going to lose her eye. You know how she told me every day how lucky she felt to have you as her trainee? She trusted you like a little sister Katheryne... and you backstabbed her." I spat and the girl pulled her knees closer and looked away. I noticed how there were tears forming in her eyes. So what? Crying like a baby after committing treason was worse than confidently doing it.

"If you feel so bad about doing this you should help me get Rune out of here and face the punishment for your crimes." I told her with full seriousness but that only made her laugh sadly for a moment.

"I can't... Mellontikos is all I have. I know you don't care but at least try to let me explain." She pleaded and with lots of self control I kept my mouth shut for this moment. If I wanted to make her help me I needed to get on a deeper emotional level with her quickly. I had to suck up the hate and rage I felt... or I'd make it even worse.

"You know, not everyone grew up as protected and wealthy as you..." she started but there was no hint of hate or resentment comming from her voice.

"I grew up alone with my father and my older brother after my mother had passed away from a sudden brain tumour when I was little. My dad had taught us many things about the gifted society and proudly told us that his grandparents had been in a high position in Inoue. However, his mother was kicked out for marrying a member of that religious organization that hunts down gifted ones and not my father nor his siblings were allowed to ever set foot on their property again. We lived happily though... it was never a problem until that one day when my father witnessed a gifted criminal beating a member of Inoue to death. He had told me and my brother to stay back and tried to help. He faught the criminal barely managing to survive before we heard the siren of a police car. The criminal had escaped and my father bowed down to the Inoue men to do first aid and somehow keep him alive.
The people comming out of that police car back then had also been from Inoue but instead of running there to help... they shot my father 3 times until he fell to the ground not even given a chance to speak...
My brother and I both sat there hiding behind a car and didn't dare to move a muscle. It had felt terrifying, horrific... and we developed a deep hate towards Inoue.
Abandoned like this we were forced to keep our abilities hidden and grew up in an orphanage until Mr. Falcon found us there and offered to join his group. He was the one that pulled us out of that misery and gave us a new purpose to live for saving people like us from the corruption of the gifted groups. And now that we've found the healer we can help even more people... I know it might not look like it but what we do is heroic." She stated still smiling sadly but there was not even a single tear rolling down her face despite telling me something like this.
I could understand why she thought the way she did and that made it obvious that it'd be harder to change her mind.

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