Chapter [Prologue]

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17 years ago, London

The building stood in flames as citizens that were still on the streets that snowy night, and others that lived there were evacuated. The sirens of countless ambulances echoed through the streets but entering the building that used to be the Falcon medical research center was impossible because it was about to collapse any second. Only those close enough could see figures still running and fighting behind the windows and broken walls.

"Get over here or I'll shoot him." A black dressed woman jumped out of the flames and held a small child tightly from behind. The little boy screamed and cried when his mother that followed behind them held up her hands and dropped the gun she was carrying. But then, in the blink of a second she suddenly stood behind the black dressed woman and was about to pull the trigger when she was brutally yanked to the side by a third person. Her body crashed with a stone wall from this inhuman force so her limbs hung numb and blood soon began running down her corpse. Seconds later the trigger of a gun was pulled and the screaming of the child stopped.

"Kill everyone of them! Not a single member of the Falcon group can survive!" Someone yelled from their left as they continued to search for any person that had the mark of the Falcon family... purple eyes. That's what they got for developing a weapon that had the power the destroy the complete gifted society. Everyone that possibly knew how to create it had to be killed... those were the rules.

Meanwhile at the other end of the city where the light of the fire was only faintly visible, a man, his wife and an older woman stopped running.

"Take them." The young woman demanded trying to make her 6 year old daughter let go of her while carefully handing her mother her younger son.

"Marie? What is all of this about? Why are the other groups attacking us?!" The old woman panicked but kept the children closely to her.

"Someone leaked wrong information about project "Healer". They found out about it and now they are after it." The childrens' mother hastily explained and kept looking to her sides to see if anyone had followed them in these streets.

"They are aware about the great power that it can give us so they fear it. And what humans fear is made their enemy." The man added but the older lady still couldn't understand why everyone around her was suddnely dying. It was horrifying... like living hell.

"They don't know what exactly project "Healer" is, so we need to protect him."
Gunshots were heard closer than before and the man gave signs to hurry up.

"Don't let Rune know what he is, never. Protect him and his sister from the gifted society, hide somewhere until we've found out what all of this is about. There has to be a major misunderstanding in all of this." Her purple eyes shone with hope in the dark. Hope, that'd soon die down.

"Mommy..." the little girl had tears in her eyes but her mother couldn't stop now. They had to go back and help their friends. Just before the attack started they had been informed about similar cases today happening to other members of the Falcon group in Europe that were assassinated or forced to talk about a certain threatening project. None of them knew about it though... it was top secret so how did the other groups find out?
They could never kill all 5.000 members of the Falcon family that currently existed... they'd never win.

With these thoughts the woman and her husband left their children behind and went back to protect their people. It was also in that night that both of them lost their lifes...

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