chapter [31]

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"Jane and Granny... I want you to take Celeste as soon as she can leave the hospital but leave this place today."

It was early in the morning the next day and after I had woken up in Raven's arms I had made a decision. It was my duty to fight back Peter and protect those who were in danger because of the gifted families. Raven and Vince were the only ones who could actually help with that though. And I really wanted Jane to stay but the shape she was in was still terrible... we had to protect her and the others first before proceeding with our plan.

The blue haired girl sighed.

"As much as it hurts me to say this, I won't go against you." Her shoulders were sunken in sadness when we sat at the breakfast table and I felt bad immediately. Raven patted my back softly and whispered that it was fine. After yesterday I still felt shivers whenever he touched me.

"We will make a detailed report." Vince winked at her making the girl smile sarcasticly.
Meanwhile granny seemed totally fine with the thought of leaving. She hadn't wanted to get involved into this so deeply from the beginning and yet she judged everything we did.

"I trust you three will be careful. I know you will try to stop the gifted families form attacking but that won't work so don't get your hopes up." She grunted while doing the dishes.

"You can never know." I said back with a smile being happy that they agreed on leaving. It was better like this.

"But Rune, are you sure you can take this much responsibility on your shoulders? You faught Peter once and you said he almost won if it hadn't been for Raven and Kate..." Jane remarked but I quickly assured her that I was certain that I had a chance to win. If I started doubting that now I would not be able to confidently fight. No matter how this turned out in the end, I would try the best I could.

In the afternoon Granny and Jane had packed their most important things and left to visit Celeste and find a place to stay for now. This area was still too close to the Mellontikos base for them to stay...

"Raven, your mother has arrived in London together with half of our soldiers troups and supporters from the Japan headquarters. Joining them will be the Hwang group, Ricardo group, Rainflower group, Ivanov group and Xerxes group." Vince reported to us after we had just seen off the others.

"So many..." I mumbled deep in thoughts and not listening to what they were talking about. Could Raven and I really convince that many people to stop slaughtering innocent people they thought of as terrorists? What if everything went the wrong way? Not now... not now that I finally was by his side. If it was my decision I might have sent Raven with Jane to secure him being save.
I knew it was selfish but he should not go against his family... but he still did it because I involved all of them in this.

"Hey, Rune. We are talking to you. Is everything okay?" I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt Ravens warm hand touching my cheek and for a second I looked up at him in awe. Right... I had to focus. There was no going back now so if this failed it was my fault for not trusting them.

"I'm good. What were you saying again?" I slowly responded and gave my attention to Vince who was observing us suspiciously.

"What is this? Raven, I've never seen you so caring. It's kind of scary." Vince faked a startled look and stepped back in fear.

"Oh, are you jealous? I can care for you anytime Vincent. Just come to my bedroom at night and I'll-"

"Ok stop, I wanted to know what we were talking about!" It felt like the right time to interrupt this before I had to witness these two taking it too far like that one time when their jokes ended up in a real fight.

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