chapter [19]

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I lead Rune inside the building where Vince and Jane were already waiting for us. We had let her in on Rune's real identity as soon as everything had been settled after the incident during the game today. She and Vince were both my best friends after all.
I still held Rune's arm when we entered through the backdoor unnoticed. Actually, I didn't think he'd run away or do anything but still I kept staying close to him out of intuition. On top of that my leg hurt like hell despite having been treated a few hours ago. I wasn't even supposed to walk yet.

Earlier, I had told Mr. Gray that Rune was sent home by me, leaving no questions open. At the same time as me, Ayaka had been attacked but she was guarded well enough so she wasn't hurt by the intruders that were confirmed members of Mellontikos. The leader guessed that they had in mind to use us as hostages to force her to submit to their conditions but of course that didn't happen. Breaking into Inoue property was plain stupidity.

"Follow me." I ordered silently leading Rune through the darkened hallways until we reached the elevator up to the apartment floor. When we arrived at Vince's I knocked 3 times and we were met with Jane whose shining eyes widened when she saw Rune before she literally pulled the boy out of my grip.

I followed inside with a sigh. If I had been alone I'd have already locked Rune up somewhere but Vince sadly had so much influence on me that I let myself become soft. How ridiculous.

"I knew something was too perfect about you!" Jane concluded obviously making Rune stand there uncomfortably when he laughed a little.

"I guess..." he answered when the crazy women eyed his purple iris like some fascinating experiment.

Not wanting to witness this any longer I went around the corner to find Vince at the kitchen table signing us to join him. I made Rune and Jane sit down next to us in a circle before the room went serious and quiet. The nervousity that radiated from Rune was bothering me so I nudged Vince to finally begin whatever he wanted to say.

"So... Rune Falcon. We want to give you a chance here because your abilities are in high need for secret missions, especially since another Falcon family member has appeared and if he turns out to be an enemy you'll prove helpful in a fight. Additionally, you have not harmed but saved members of the Inoue family several times." He stated in his usual serious voice but in my opinion he went too nice on him.

"We'll not tell anyone about your identity." Jane added causing Rune to raise an eyebrow.

"But?" He wanted to know and focused his eyes first on Vince and then on me. He definitely wasn't dumb for doubting we'd trust him so easily...

"You have to tell us every valuable information about yourself and your life and acquaintances. We also have to know what exactly your abilities can do and you'll be under observation as soon as you leave the apartment we assigned you to." Vince kept explaining and I could see the hope in Rune's expression fade a little.

"What apartment?"

"Don't worry. It's right across mine, so you won't accidently run away." I sweetly said to him hinting sarcasm that he gave back with a disgusted smile.

"Yeah, because your lame ass could ever catch up to me." He contered with a duh face and my hands formed into fists when I punched in his direction. It was more of a joke because I knew he could dodge but nevertheless Jane caught my fist and glared at me with those scary dark eyes of hers.

"Settle down your testosterone, you prick." It sounded like a threat when she said that and I rolled my eyes and sat back down.

"At least I have some."

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