Chapter 6

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A shadow appeared over Techno's face, waking him up. When Techno opened his eyes, he was met with a young boy who had golden blond hair. He had small wings on him and wore a lot of red. Techno knew that he was Tommy.

"What do you want?" Techno asked, very annoyed that he had been woken.

"You look dumb." Tommy said, pretty much out of no where.

Techno's red eyes stared at Tommy in anger. "What did you just say?"

"I said you look dumb." Tommy said, a mischievous grin was across his face.

Stupid boy. He doesn't know who you are. Show him your power. Kill him. The voices told Technoblade.

I won't hurt him. Techno told the voices, as he sat up from his bed. He seems to be friends with everyone in this town. If I hurt him, I will die for what you have told me to do.

He doesn't even know that you are a god. He doesn't know your origin. Show him. Show him. Show him-

Shut up! He doesn't need to know what I have done a hundred times. I am responsible for my mistakes, but you are the one who has told me what to do.

Techno tuned out the voices and walked outside. Everyone was walking around and laughing. He could hear Tommy walking behind him and following where ever he walked. As he walked towards the waterfall, that leads up to the pub, Techno could hear Tommy following closely behind. When he got to the pub, Techno turned to see Tommy swimming up towards him as well.

Techno walked into the pub and was greeted by everyone inside. He walked over to Jack and sat down on a little chair.

"Do you have any water bottles?" Techno asked, he could hear Tommy behind him.

"Yeah," Jack said, noticing Tommy behind Techno. "here you go. You'll need it."

Techno grabbed the water bottle and took a giant sig from it. Tommy sat down next to Techno. Technoblade stared down at the young avian boy. The boys wings were white with pink sloshes all around the top of them. He had bright blue eyes and they were the color of the sky. He had a green bandana around his neck and red shirt on. Techno was confused on what the young boy wanted.

"Did you need something?" Techno asked.

"You eyes are red." Tommy said.

"They have always been that color." Techno took another gulp from his water.

Tommy stood up and grabbed a strand of Techno's long pink hair. "What about your hair?"

Techno let Tommy look at his hair and play with it. He liked that Tommy was interested in him. He smiled when Tommy started to braid it.

"Why are you braiding my hair?" Techno asked.

"I don't know. It was something that I have always done." Tommy said, halfway done with the braid. "If you don't want me to finish it, that's fine."

Techno didn't move as Tommy finished off the braid. When Tommy was done, he placed a golden trinket. That trinket kept the braid together. Techno looked at it and genuinely liked it. He twirled the braid around in his hands. When he looked over at Tommy, he saw him smiling brightly. It warmed his heart when he saw that smile.

"So, I guess I have to repay you now." Techno said.

"Repay me with what?" Tommy asked, making sure he did the braid right.

"Well, you gave me something nice. I shall repay that kindness a thousand times." Technoblade told Tommy.

Tommy thought to himself for a little bit. "How about you teach me how to fight?" A smile appeared across his face.

Techno looked down at the smiling avian boy. He ruffled around his hair and stood up. He placed down the empty bottle and beckoned for Tommy to follow him. Tommy followed him to the plains below. Techno pulled out an iron sword and gave it to him.

"I will teach you how to fight." Techno said, pulling out his own iron sword. "Now, let us begin."

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