Chapter 10

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Technoblade ran back to the village as fast as he could. He didn't want people to question why he was gone all night. It would have been hard to explain to them. He didn't want them to find out what he really was. If they found out what he was doing...what would happen to him. Techno didn't care, all he had to do was get back and soon.

The morning light shown through the trees. The forest was too thick for Techno to see through. He was lost. Techno looked for any sign of the village. There was nothing nearby, there was no trail at all.

Techno leaned up against a tree and wondered if he should even go back or not. What if they asked what he was doing? They would hate him if they found out about anything he had done. And that Wither...what did it mean by that? No, it can't be. Techno knew he wasn't gonna destroy that town. No matter won't be destroyed.

"You lost there, pal?" A voice came from in the trees.

Techno looked up to be met with a man with a arachnid origin. He had on purple and black priests clothing and a blue baseball cap on. He had six legs sprouting out from his back. Three more eyes under his original two. The man's smile was big and creepy.

"What?" Techno asked.

"I asked if you were lost." The man said.  "You look like you have no idea where you are going."

Techno looked around. "I guess I am." He had remembered about his eyes and prayed that they weren't purple.

"Well, if you need help, I can help you."

"I'm just trying to get back to a little village." Techno said. "It holds someone I care about."

No! Don't care about them. Weakling. Destroy the village. Just kill them already. The voices protested.

Just shut up. Technoblade told the voices. I don't need your opinion.

"Are you looking for that one in the plains biome?" The man pointed north. "There's a little town where some people live."

Techno looked to where the man was pointing. He could see a plain biome in the distance. He started to walk towards it, but stopped. He didn't even know who the man was. Why should he trust him? Techno didn't even know if the person would bring him to the right town. People with arachnid origins are known for being mischievous and lie a lot.

"You stopped?" Technoblade could tell the man was smiling.

"Why should I trust you?" Techno never turned to face him.

"Why should I trust you?" The man walked over to Techno's side.

"You know what I mean." Techno said, turning to the man.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." The man said. He grabbed Techno's long pink hair. "Also, what's with the pink hair?"

Techno raised an eyebrow at the man.

"I've only heard that only people with rare origins are born with special hair. I can tell that you haven't dyed this. So what kind of origin do you have?"

"I can't tell you that." Techno said, pushing the man's hand away from his hair. "No matter how many times you ask, I will never tell you."

"Ok then." The man walked backwards and towards the plain biome.

Technoblade followed him. As they got closer, Techno could see Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy running around. For some reason, it felt nice to see them safe. A smile tugged at his face. When they saw Techno and the man, they ran right away. All three of them looking excited. They ran straight to the other man. 

"Fragrance man!" The three boys said.

"Ah, my children." The man, named Fragrance man, said.

Techno was very confused, but he saw the rest were happy. This was gonna be a long day, isn't it?

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