Chapter 9

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tw: murder, blood

"No. No! Wait please-" The voice stopped.

The Blood God dropped the dead body onto the ground. It landed with a wet thud. He sighed pulling his pink hair out of his face. His hands were stained of blood. Blood was all over his clothes and cape. His red eyes glowed in the dark. They had always glowed depending on what he had done. It hadn't been the first time he had killed someone, and it won't be the last.

There's your feed. Techno told the voices.

Not enough. Need more blood. Kill. Blood. Death. Blood for the Blood God. The voices said.

Techno whipped his head around. Looking for anything that could have just a little but of blood in it. When a sound came from a nearby bush, the Blood God pulled out his bow and shot. Whatever was in that bush stopped moving once the arrow went through the bush. He walked over and peeked in it. There was a little baby zombie that laid still. 

Techno could feel his anger growing inside of him. The voices demanded blood. He couldn't control himself anymore.

He pulled his hand back and punched a tree, that was close to him. Techno could feel his hand cut open and blood started to drip down. He looked at his knuckles, they were cut up and bruises started to form. For just that moment, the voices were quiet. Only for that moment.

Technoblade closed his eyes tightly. Trying to drown out any noises. Trying to drown out the voices in his head. It was too hard, he couldn't do it. The world felt like it was spinning around him.

As Techno opened his eyes once again, he saw a light in the distance. When he got closer, Techno could fully see what it was. It was a huge town filled with people. Many were walking down on the streets or flying around in the air. The town was filled with all sorts of origins.

Death. Kill them all. Do it. King of the Withers. Summon Withers. Blood for the Blood God. Do it. The voices told Techno.

Techno raised his hand and purple mist started to surrounded it. The purple mist formed a wither skull in his hand. Many more skulls started to appear from the purple mist. It had created an entire army of skulls around Techno. The King of the Withers eyes turned purple and he raised his arm in the air. Many Withers started to appear. All hissing and staring over at the town below them. The Wither King swiped down his arm, a signal for attack. All of the Withers behind him started to attack the town below him.

Technoblade watched as the town was destroyed and blown up. People had tried to fight, but wouldn't win. They were too powerful for them. Techno could hear the many screams of people rise from below. Each sounding as scared as the next.

"Feels like it has been forever, Wither King."

Techno turned to face one of the Withers. "It has not been a while. You guys just have to wait for me to summon you once again."

"That little village won't survive." The Wither was referring to the village that held everyone else.

"What do you mean?" Techno asked, staring it deep into its glowing purple eyes.

"The voices won't let you stay there too long. They will need blood. I suggest destroying it before you get more attached." The Wither told him.

"I will spare that village. Those people are friends. I will tell you who to attack and who not to, you understand?" Techno said.

The Wither bowed down to him. "I understand your majesty. Just don't make any mistakes."

Technoblade watched as the Wither went to help with the rest. The town was just fire and holes. Nothing was left behind.

Once it was done, Techno got rid of all the Withers. The Withers turned back into purple mist and went into Techno's body. They would stay there until needed again. 

Techno started to leave, but looked back at the village. Dust was settling for all the explosions. There was so much to look at. He listened for the voices in his head. They weren't there, they had been pleased. Techno turned around and started his walk back to where Tommy and the others were.

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