~Ron finds out~

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Harry POV: 

The portrait swung open to reveal Gryffindor common room, on the far couch reading a leather-bound book sat Hermione. Fully immersed in whatever it was she was reading she did not notice Ron trying to get her attention by speaking utter rubbish. 

Being used to tuning out Rons speaking she didn't notice anything was happening until she heard the portrait close. Her eyes darted in my direction and they landed on me. 

"Harry! Did you end up finding them?" She eagerly asked putting the book beside her on the dark oak table. Ron's face grew red and his eyes bulged slightly when he looked at me. At the same time, there was this sense of wonder portrayed in his features.  

"Um-uh, so you see....no. I didn't find her." I ended up admitting. Hermione's features didn't change at all except for the slight upturn of her nose. The disappointment was easy to read on Hermione's face, it was just something that you knew. 

"Or he Harry." She reminded me but I shrugged it off once more. 

I rolled my eyes a little bit. "I'm straight Hermione." 

Hermione's eyes narrowed but didn't say anything. "Wait a minute what are you two going on about? What girl?" Ron piped up from where he had been neglected. 

"No, I was just looking for someone Ron and I didn't find them. It's not that important..." I said murmuring, my feet suddenly got very interesting and needed examining. 

On the other hand, looking completely puzzled Ron didn't get the hint that I didn't want to talk.  "So what does that have to do with you being straight?"

Groaning loudly I answered somewhat irritated. "Nothing Ron, just let it go." 

Hurt flashed across the other boy's face as he scuffled his feet. "Well alright, I can see when I'm not wanted. Carry on with your conversation, I will be going now." 

Ron trudged up the stairs thumping his feet against every stair making a loud sound. When he was out of earshot Hermione started to talk again. 

"Harry what on earth was that for. Would it kill you to tell him the truth?" She said exasperatedly waving her hands beside her. 

"I don't even see why it's such a big secret!" She announced and I had to admit, I didn't know either. 

Looking up from the floor I met her condescending gaze. "I don't know, I just feel like it has to be a secret. Look I know that's a shit reason but I'm not ready to tell him yet."

Not quite forgiving me for my lame excuse she responded with "Uhuh-right well you better tell him soon or I will stop helping you, Harry James Potter." I gulped. 

"This includes but is not limited to, potions homework, potions essays, potions just in general, and also History of Magic." Shocked by how far Hermione was willing to go I gasped. 

"That's right Harry Potter." She said sternly then proceeded to get up from the couch and walk up the stairs to the girl's dorms. 

Feeling no need or desire to stay in the common room I ascended up the staircase to the dormitory. From the doorway, I could see Ron sitting on his half-made bed with clothes scattered all around attempting to organize the mess.  Neville was also in the room doing his homework on the desk in the corner. 

I leaned against the doorway, utterly fatigued. "Hey, Ron can I talk to you?" I asked and he looked up from the mess, his eyes meeting mine. He turned away not wanting to meet my gaze. 

"So now I'm important." He scoffed, not bothering to look up at me. I honestly did hate when he got like this but I understand where he is coming from. Some stirring was heard from the corner and I discovered Neville looking at me oddly. 

Sighing,  I brought my hand up to my head to run it through my tousled locks. "I'll explain everything alright. What me and 'Mione have been working on. Everything." 

Ron perked up slightly. At least now he was looking at me. "Really? You mean it?" He asked, the look in his eyes was almost as if he had just gotten a new broom. 

"Yeah come on." I motioned for Ron to come with me, but Neville stopped me. 

"There's no need. I'm done with my homework and there's somewhere I need to be." With very little noise Neville packed up all of his equipment and placed it in his bag. I nodded to him as he was motioning to leave the room. 

"Thanks a bunch, Neville. I owe you." I gave him the signature grin, and he gave a meek one in return. 

"Don't be silly Harry." That was all he said before he left the room in a hurry. 

When Ron spoke again he brought me back from the thoughts about Neville that had occupied my mind. "So what was it you wanted to tell me, Harry." 

I stirred slightly, before remembering what it was I was doing here. "Right," I mumbled and then pulled out my wand to cast a muffling charm. 

"Why did you cast Muffliato?" Ron questioned, his eyes narrowed and his bottom lip quivered slightly. Which is what happens when he got nervous. 

Then I tried to reassure him by saying that "I just wanted this to be a private conversation is all."

With a bit of suspicion, he nodded slowly and motioned for me to continue.  Then I started to explain everything, from the writing on my hand to the mysterious reply and then the book suddenly appearing. 

"Do you think that's what those people were bringing in?" 

"What are you going on about?" I asked. 

"You know... that one day with the invisible people..?" 

I had never thought about that, could Ron be right. "Yeah, I think maybe they did. That would actually make sense."

"You didn't need to sound so surprised," Ron mumbled. I ignored him and continued the story talking about how we found out I had a soulmate. 

"What? Harry that's nearly impossible! AND that they are somewhere at Hogwarts," I agreed with him and then told him the rest of the story. 

"Harry." He started


"Have you considered that Malfoy might be your soulmate?"

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