~New Arrangements~

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Harry POV:

Over a week later Draco and I were sat in the same spots we did the last time we were in Dumbledore's office. The Headmaster was perched on the big armchair in front of them, staring intensely at both of them. There was an impenetrable tension settling over us like a dense fog. Dumbledores features were tense and the wrinkles on his forehead were noticeably prominent.

Beside Draco wriggled in his seat looking incredibly uncomfortable in this silence. "Now I have called you both here today because the Order and I have found a solution to your dilemma." Dumbledore started, as he lay his arms on the desk in front of him. Draco perked up beside me, straightening himself in his chair. 

"We have decided to have Draco and his mother be transferred to one of our many safe houses which are heavily protected by numerous wards." Dumbledore continued using his hands to illustrate his point. His voice was ever vague.

"Where is it? If you don't mind me asking." Draco questioned, his voice on the high end of the spectrum.

"Our first choice would have been your godfather's place Harry but those wards are still in progress. Your godfather is hard at work to get those done." Dumbledore explained in such a way that I knew exactly where he was talking about but Draco did not. Draco glanced at me in confusion and I realized I had yet to tell him about Sirius.

"I'm afraid that you will be staying at the Weasleys." Dumbledore finished and Draco gave him a look of shock. A panic building up behind his eyes. Only someone close to him would notice, and I noticed. "I do understand there is some.... bad blood between your two families but I see this as an opportunity to get past all those trivialities."

Draco looked down at his hands when he mumbled something. "You will have to speak up Draco. I'm afraid I can't hear what you are saying. These ears are getting too old." The Professor notified and the Slytherin gave a nod.

"What if they don't accept me... I mean after everything I've done to them... I can't imagine them being so forgiving." Draco spoke in such a way that made my heartbreak. It was so filled with regret and sorrow.

"I am sure you will be pleased to know that Molly and Arthur have already agreed to this arrangement. The other Weasleys have not yet been notified about the move." Draco nodded to this statement.

"Professor I think we want to keep it a secret until Draco can be permanently moved to Grim.... my godfather's house," I told Dumbledore. With the tension between the two families, this request hardly seemed unusual. Beside me, I felt Draco soften.

"That can be arranged. We have scheduled for the official move to take place after the Easter Break. From then on Draco will be in complete hiding; once he disappears there will be big search parties after him. " The Headmaster informed us. It all seemed fairly reasonable at the moment.

"Draco can I trust you to inform your mother of these proceedings as discreetly as possible?"

"I can certainly try Professor. I shall try to inform her over Easter. It would be too risky trying to send her any form of a letter."

"I'm also pretty sure that Umbridge is checking all the letters coming in and out," I interjected, and they both ignored my very useful piece of information. What a blow to pride.

"Sounds reasonable Draco. Now I won't take up any more of your time."

"Thank you very much, Professor, for doing this for me I mean. Now Harry and I will let you get back to work."

"Farewell Draco and Harry." Draco touched my arm gently as he motioned for me to stand up. After being so brutally ignored I felt inclined to be difficult but then decided this was neither the time nor place.

"Bye Professor," I called out as Draco and I disappeared out the old oak door and down the steps.

We were out in the hallways just past the entrance to Dumbledores office when Draco asked "So when were you going to tell me you had a Godfather?"

"Whenever you were going to tell me more about your life." I quipped back and Draco recoiled.

"I have already told you a lot, thank you very much." He huffed and I pulled him in for a hug.

"You know I don't mean it like that. I want to know about the little things. Your favorite place, what you want to be? It doesn't matter. I just want to know about you." I explained as I buried my face in the crook of his neck.

"You already know more about me than anyone else." Draco said matter of factly but it made all the difference to me.

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