~a not so secret society~

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Harry POV: 

Everyone was prepared in the DA meeting except for me. 

I had not expected that it would get this warm and that I would be sweating this much. Had I known I would not have worn a full-length jumper. Covering all my arms. The heat was suffocating me and I could feel my brain cells melting. 

There were only a few minutes left of the DA meeting but we made the most of our time. Members were divided into two lines facing each other to cast some simple charms back and forth. The aim was to practice deflecting incoming spells and practicing reaction time. We were an even amount today since Cho's friend wasn't feeling well. 

This ended up with me being paired up with Cho after everyone has had been conveniently taken already. I scratched the back of my head awkwardly not knowing what to say. Cho was staring at me and I started to internally panic. 

"So um-uh I guess I will um- just start with casting a tickling charm. There's no um-damage and um it's easy to deflect." I stammered out, very incoherently. Cho seemed to notice but decided against saying anything to me about it. This whole mess reminded me of the time when I was crushing on Cho. It seemed like a lifetime ago, some schoolboy fantasy that I have long outgrown. I would identify myself as Bisexual but have not yet used that label for anyone but myself. 

I shot an off-beam tickling charm that ended up hitting Cho square in the chest. She erupted into a high-pitched giggle that ricocheted off the walls; reverberating around the room. The spells stopped as people turned to stare. My face burned with heat as I rushed over to Cho's side muttering the counterspell. 

Cho panting and being out of breath placed her hand on my shoulder. "Thank you, Harry," She breathed and she gave my shoulder a squeeze. I tensed up feeling very uncomfortable. 

I exhaled my held breath when she let go and we all resumed our positions. The class continued as everybody practiced the deflecting charm. I hadn't even noticed we had gone overtime until 25 minutes had passed. "Everyone! The lessons are over for today and we hope to see all of you on Saturday!" Hermione called as we went out through the exit. 

My friends and I made sure that everyone dispersed into different areas to make going back to the different houses look more natural. We had the older Gryffindors go first to the house before we started roaming the halls. 

On my hand, there was an ink splatter which I noticed had not been there before the DA lesson. I didn't think much of it and came to the conclusion that Draco must have spilled some ink while writing. This seemed like a natural deduction so I did not invest more time in thinking about it. 

That was a mistake. 

Before I fully knew what was happening, there was yelling down the corridor. Naturally, I ran down to see what was going on. What I saw was Draco with Umbridge and the rest of his little Inquisitorial squad holding members of Dumbledores army, so to speak, captive. There was a small slip of paper in Umbridge's hand which remarkably resembled the DA signatures of silence, as we called them. 

My heart dropped as I realized what this meant. Umbridge had the names of all of the Dumbledores Army, members. Trailing behind the big group, stood an undistinctive ginger, she wouldn't have been noticed on a normal occasion. This was not a normal occasion. 

"Well, well, well Mr. Potter. It seems that we have finally caught you in the act." Umbridge cackled cruelly. The blood in my veins boiled and I would certainly have burned anything that I would touch out of pure anger. Betrayal washes over me whenever I look near Draco. 

"Now then, let's go to the Headmaster and get everything.... sorted out. I'm sure we can come to some sort of agreement on a suitable punishment for you." Umbridge tuts and calls forward none other than Percy Weasley. He latches onto my arm like an unbreakable leach I can't get rid of. Not so gently he pushes me in the direction of Dumbledore's office, with the unmistakable sound of high heels clicking behind us. 

When I could see the looks on my Ron and Hermione's faces, I saw that they looked completely petrified. I gestured for them to get out of here, and my eyes left no question in their heads. They scurried off and I hoped that they would be safe. 

"Must I come, Professor?" I heard a small voice say somewhere behind me, their voice was laced in vulnerability. To an untrained ear, they would only hear the thick confidence this person was trying to spew. 

"Of course Draco. You must see the procedure in practice. We are getting Fudge, Shacklebolt, and other ministry officials to meet us there. Your father would be very pleased." There was a slight command in the way she phrased her words. There was a sigh, which was quickly covered up by a cough. 

"Right. Thank you for the opportunity, Professor." Those words coming out of his mouth made me sick.  

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