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Draco POV:

The Inquisitorial squad had been hot on the trail of Dumbledore's Army. I of course knew everything about the army already. When and where they were training. Who was apart of it. Who organized it. Where it was founded. How the members communicate. What they were currently working on. Conveniently I kept these nuggets of wisdom to myself.

It was, however, very amusing to watch Professor Umbridge run around herself in a non-stop search for these Decree breakers. That was until she outsmarted us all. The questionings in Decree 82 was not going as well as Umbridge had originally planned for.

She expected people would be lining up to give her all the information that she needed. That's why in the last batch of people to be questioned she had started using Veritaserum. It was illegal to use the potion on minors and especially without their consent or their parents. That did not stop Professor Umbridge.

"Draco," She called in her obnoxiously high and irritating sing song voice. It was the kind of pitch that just makes you want to barf. Professor Umbridge sat in her pristine pink chair, her back straightened to the point it looked like there was a rod implanted in her spine.

She was dressed in her typical bright pink top and skirt. All the pink in her office but burned my eyes and noise from the dozens of cat portraits made my ears bleed. "I want you to observe how real questioning takes place. I'm sure your father would be pleased to have a professional show you the proper way of doing things," Professor Umbridge told me her voice snooty and smug. I on and hand was about to gag from disgust.

Regardless of my feelings I sucked it up and went to stand beside the Professor as she had motioned to me. I front of seat where the victims would be seated there was a pink embroidered tea cup filled to the brim with steaming tea. From a almost hidden drawer near the bottom of her desk Professor Umbridge pulled out a small vial with clear liquid.

She squeezed a few drops into the the cooling tea as she called for the next suspect. In came a stout girl with reddish blonde hair; her eyes were dark and frantic as her hair frizzed around her head. "Professor I have something to tell you regarding the organization you are after," She called breathless speaking rapidly as if she didn't want to waste any time.

"Come have a seat," Professor Umbridge motioned for her to take a seat in the wooden chair placed in front of her desk. Very carefully aligned and not out of place. The girl complied and sat down quickly. Her gaze lingered over at me but didn't say anything. "What is your name dear girl?" Professor Umbridge asked.

"Marietta Edgecombe, Professor," Marietta introduced her voice quaking slightly. She had not touched the tea. I recognized her family name, the Edgecombes were of pure blood decent but I have no recollection of whether or not both of her parents were. Marietta was dressed in the robes typical of a Ravenclaw, the deep enchanting blues mixed wonderfully the black of the fabric. I never like Ravenclaws but I did like blue.

"What was it you were going to tell us Ms. Edgecombe?" The Professor asked her voice increasing, her eyes carefully watched Marietta hands as she made no reach for the cup.

"The organization you are looking for is called Dumbledores Army. It was started by Harry Potter. We meet every Wednesday, and Saturday evening around 6:00 but it changes often. We use these coins which informs us of changes." From out of her robe pocket Marietta produced a simple golden coin which from the outside looked completely normal. She placed it on the desk for Professor Umbridge to see.

"Thank you very much for your contribution Ms. Edgecombe. You will be rewarded generously." Umbridge beamed her face twisted into a terrible sneer resembling smile. Soon after Marietta feed us more information about the Army, pimples started to appear all over her face. Big red cysts appeared which delved deep into her skin.

Marietta gave an involuntary yelp as the pimples formed and was quickly excused by the Professor to seek help at the hospital wing.

My veins burned by the betrayal of this girl. Everything would be ruined for Harry and this hurt me more than anything. "That was just perfect wasn't it Draco. Not even with the use of Veritaserum! Pity though having wasted it."

"What a pity," I said through gritted teeth.

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