~Muggle movies are the best~

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Draco POV:

It has been a week since the meeting with Dumbledore and we still haven't heard anything. I'm convinced that Harry thinks I'm this fragile thing waiting to fall apart. That's not the case. All though I don't mind the extra attention I am getting from him because of it.

Harry and I were in the room of requirement snuggling on one of the couches that the room had provided for us. The sofa was a deep brown color with a smooth felt covering decked in big heavy pillows. In front of us, there was a big screen that extended downwards with a muggle projector. Or at least that's what Harry told me. He was introducing me to some classic muggle movies which he had grown up with.

Once we finished our third movie in a row I stopped him from putting the last one on. "What's the matter? Do you not want to watch anymore?" He asked putting down the control device.

"Harry... what are we?" The words hung in the air loosely and I was desperate for Harry to answer. "I mean we kiss and cuddle... it might sound silly but I would like to know."

"We're soulmates of course," Harry said blatantly and stroked my hair. I pressed myself against him some more, craving affection.

"We could still be soulmates and hate each other. But... we are more than that." I told him and he nodded.

"That we are. Tell me, what do you want us to be?" He asked and I switched positions to have myself looking in his eyes. Effectively laying right on top of him. Harry gave a little groan which I decided to ignore.

"I...Iwantyoutobemyboyfriend." I spluttered. From embarrassment, I covered my eyes with my hands. Harry lifted them away carefully and gave me a soft smile.

"Can you repeat that I didn't quite hear it." He said in a near whisper. I groaned and tried to ignore the heat rushing in my face.

"I like you okay!" I exclaimed and almost jumped up from Harry. He pulled me back down into a smashing hug.

"I like you too." He muttered into my ear which made me shiver. His breath was tickling the sensitive skin and heat it up. Harry's lips were so close.

"Be my boyfriend." I gasped and Harry chuckled softly.

"Demanding are we?"

"Just answer the bloody question for Merlin's sake!" I cried out in frustration and also part embarrassment.

"I don't remember there being a question." He said being difficult and I gave him a glare.

He laughed again. "Alright, I will be your boyfriend." With that, he pulled me in with a bone-crushing kiss filled with passion and anticipation. My eyes snapped shut to enjoy every second of this kiss.

It heated up quickly with my hands going under Harry's shirt and his under mine. I took in the scent of treacle tarts and I was overwhelmed with the power it had on me.

Harry pinched my skin on different areas until he made his way up to my nipples. He circled them tearing his fingers along the outside. Then he gave them a small squeeze making me moan in pleasure.

I locked his bottom lip asking for entrance which he denied. Fucking tease. I gave a whimper of rejection and the after a couple more seconds of waiting I tried it again.

This time he accepted and my tongue went inside his mouth. Completely free to explore any area I wanted. I did a dance inside his mouth before we pulled apart panting.

"That was so much better than a movie." Harry panted, completely breathless. I smiled widely at him.

"Of course it was Potter." I boasted pridefully. My euphoria taking over me and sending me on a high.

"Cocky now are we." He said teasingly.

"Only for you.." I told him and then gave me a wink which making him splutter.

"You're lucky you're my boyfriend," he said indignantly.

I gave him a small peck on the lips. "You don't need to tell me twice."


The next morning I was still ecstatic from me and Harry's meeting the previous day. My friend noticed my excessive happiness and didn't not fail to give me a questioning.

After breakfast however, Dumbledore called Harry and I into his office for an update.

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