~Family Meetings~

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Draco POV: 

I could feel everyone's eyes burn into the top of my head as my eyes were trained passively on the floor. Beside me, I could feel Molly's presence and it felt like a source of protection. Similar to what I would imagine a Patronus to feel like. I was almost surprised to hear myself refer to her as Molly but it was the only name that made sense after all she had done for me and my mother. 

Molly cleared her throat and all of the many eyes went to her, not immediately. Reluctantly if anything; the siblings had to tear their eyes away from me.

"I'm sure that you have all noticed our guests-" Molly began before getting interrupted by her youngest son. 

"But he's Malfoy!-" 

"Do not interrupt me, Ronald Weasley!" I lifted my head up to notice the intense glare Molly was giving her son. He knew well enough not to hold it and looked away quickly. 

Returning to her formerly cheery tone Molly continued "Draco and Narcissa-" Faces of disgust came contorted the sibling's already sour expressions. Next to Harry, I noticed that Granger was trying desperately to keep an open mind. She doing better than I expected. It certainly made me very grateful. 

Molly ignored the cynical and hostile expressions. That, however, did not stop pity flash across her face. I tried not to take it personally. "-will be staying here... indefinitely or until other arrangements have become satisfactory for their wellbeing." 

"And our place isn't?!" The female Weasley squawked offendedly, her eyes were wide and disapproving. Most definitely judgemental. 

"Of course it is, which is why our house was even considered as a safe location." Molly rationalized, trying to talk some sense into her children. 

"Oh yeah, and what could Malfoy possibly need protecting from?" Ronald brawled pointing his finger right at me. A spare chair clattered as Harry stood up with such a force. 

"You know nothing Ron." His voice was dangerously low and Harry's eyes were aimed at him; staring him down. However, Ronald-the youngest male Weasley did not back down and held Harry's glare. 

"And you do?" Ronald fired back. 

"More. Than. You." 

"Care to tell the rest of us then?!" 

"Ronald please be quiet-" Hermione got interrupted by Harry. 

"I thought you were okay with him. Before in the dorm." I wondered what they were talking about. They talked about me in their dorm. 

"I was joking Mate! You didn't actually think I was serious!" Ron gave a malicious laugh, cold and empty. 

"Ronald Weasley you are grounded for a month!" Molly shouted and the tension in the air was still thick as the two boys backed away from each other. Still staring. 

Molly turned to me and mouthed Take Harry upstairs. I got off my seat as quickly as I could not wanting to stay there one second longer. Beside Harry, I crouched down to look him in the eyes. 

"Come on. Let's go." I whispered quietly to him and he gave a strained nod. I motioned for my mother and all three of his got up to go upstairs. Once we did, my mother returned to the attic. She said that she felt safe there, and I told her I would catch up in a few minutes. 

Harry led me to one of the spare bedrooms, and we sat on the bed. There was a slight creak as the springs were starting to rust. Harry's breaths were short and haggard, it bordered hyperventilating at this point. 

I put my hand on his thigh and squeezed a little bit. He gave me a weak smile, there was sweat lining his hairline and a small drop ran down the side of his face. 

"Harry... you didn't have to do that. I was fine." I said as convincing as I could. Harry shook his head as he looked at me. 

"No, you weren't. He was insulting you Draco. He was insinuating that there was something wrong with you being a Malfoy." 

"He had every right to react like that Harry. I was cruel to him. I called him blood traitor and other terrible words. My whole family going decades back were pureblood elitist, with an obsession with blood purity. Of course, there's something wrong with being a Malfoy." The words just poured out and as I said them I realized how true they were to me. The realization struck me close to my heart, and I knew this was what others saw in my family. 

"You are Draco. You're so much more than just a Malfoy. You've changed, I noticed. Don't defend him. What he did wasn't right. I guess he will just need some time to get over the initial shock of it all." Harry wrapped his arm around me protectively and brought me closer to him. I could feel his body heat against my cold skin. 

I laughed bitterly. "Just wait until he finds out we are soul mates and dating. Won't that be an interesting day." 

"Hmmm," Harry mused. "I guess we will just have to avoid it altogether." 

"Merlin you're such an idealist-" 

"-And you're such a pessimist."

"If I prepare for the worst I never get surprised." 

"Is that right? And what's the worst thing you imagine for us?" Harry asked jokingly but I gave a sigh. 

"We break up.... or you die," I said fiddling with the end of my jumper. 

"What about you?" He questioned. 

"I don't care about me, without you there would be no savior. The world doomed to a catastrophic end under the Dark Lord's rule. And of course, I will be utterly miserable without you." 

"Well, there's no need to worry. I will defeat Voldemort and stay the Boy Who Lived. I won't just go around dying on you." Harry said with such conviction and his charming dorky smile sold it for me. 

"As long as you promise to be safe and never to leave me. Dying would be really dumb." I added as a joke. Harry gave a small laugh. 

"Alright, I promise."

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