~Nothing but the truth~

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Draco POV: After School.

The rest of the day I was anxious. I was always fiddling with the end of my bag subconsciously or at least that's what Pansy and Blaise said.

Halfway through the day, I thought about standing him up, and not telling him after all. That's foolish. Potter would seek me out and hunt me down to spill the truth. After class, I scribbled down some instructions on a scrap piece of parchment I had laying around my satchel.

Meet me in the girl's bathroom on the second floor. 5:00

Don't be late.


The corridors were bustling with activity, swarms of students weaved their way in and out of the crowd. On the other end of the hallway, I spotted Harry Potter coming in my direction. I informed my friends that I would be meeting up with them later, and they nodded leaving me alone.

I sauntered over to Potter, a look of confusion on his face as a smirked. I made sure that I was close enough to Potter so that I could bump into his shoulder and slip the piece of paper into his hand.

"Oi, watch where you're going, Potter!" I shouted behind me, keeping up appearances.

"You bumped into me Malfoy!" He growled loud enough for everyone to hear. His eyes sparkled a little bit and he brushed his fingers across the paper I had given him. I gave him a smirk knowing that he had gotten my message.

"How would you know Potter, you're half-blind." I sneered then turned away promptly and flounced away. When I was far enough away from the other students in the corridor, I looked down and did the happy smirk. The one that I had learned about last year. The smile? I think?

I did one of those smile things and brought my fingers to my lips trying to conceal my giggle. Then I reminded myself, Malfoys don't do the smile thing, and they certainly do not giggle.

There was no reason for me to leave Pansy and Blaise. Not really. They could have come with me but I suppose I just needed to be alone. I took this time before meeting up with Potter to walk along the great lake once more.

This place always seemed to calm me down when I was stressed out. Maybe it was magic. Maybe it was nature. Or maybe both. In my head, I planned out what to say to Potter first. IT was hard to pinpoint a place to start.

I sighed relieving all tension from my body and sat down listening to the wind blow against my face and tangling my hair. What only seemed to be a few moments later I checked my watch.

My watch was embroidered with the Malfoy crest and along the sides was the distinct pattern of a serpent. Its eyes were illuminated by the emerald gems placed carefully on its head. The time read 4:30.

Alright, I had more than enough time to get back up to the castle in time for 5:00. To be on the safe side I stood up and walked back. I got to moaning myrtles bathroom with 10 minutes to spare. My footsteps echoed in the walls and a damp smell arose.

"Draco are you there?" Came a high-pitched voice from behind one of the stalls. Myrtle drifted through the door as if to look around.

"Yes, it's me." I sighed and told her about how I was meeting Potter and was going to tell him everything. She raised her eyebrows and her mouth contorted in a downwards fashion. Dropping into an O shape. Then she proceeded to narrow her eyes.

"Are you sure that's a good idea," Myrtle asked me, her eyes lined with worry and I gulped.

"I know it isn't a good idea but quite frankly I have no choice. He found out Myrtle. He found out that I was his soulmate. The least I could do is explain it all to him. I owe him that much." My eyes were fixated on the floor when I heard the soft footsteps behind me.

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