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Ron POV: 

There was a faint rustling of sheets coming from the opposite end of the room. I tried to pay no attention until  I heard a small bang and some unintelligible swearing. The voice I recognized was Harry's. What on earth was he doing up at this hour. 

Probably the bathroom.

That would make the most sense. Or at least that's what I thought until it started happening every. single. night. For the next two months. 

Harry was still sleeping as Hermione and I walked towards the great hall for breakfast. Harry needed his sleep and breakfast doesn't end for another hour, so he has plenty of time. 

"-and that Ronald is the difference between Dandelion leaf and the Dandelion root. They both have very different uses when it comes to how they are cooked-" Hermione droned on explaining this potions ingredient which I was sure I didn't ask about. Or maybe I did?

I backtracked the conversation mentally for a few seconds to come to the root of the prompt. Blimey! I just asked if she could do my potions homework! My mind however had wandered elsewhere. Thinking of various reasons as to why my best mate would be sneaking out in the middle of the night, every night. 

"Hermione, I have something to tell you." I interrupted spluttering a bit and Hermione gave me a concerned look. Her eyebrows slightly lifted and her eyes soft. 

"What is it, Ron? Is everything alright?" She asked the lines drawn onto her face as her forehead creased. 

Understanding flashed in my mind. "Oh-no! I'm completely fine. It's about Harry!" 

"What about Harry?" Hermione questioned as her eyes narrowed in suspicion. 

"He didn't get into trouble again did he?" 

"Yes-well no, not really. It's just-" I sighed rephrasing what I was about to say in my head so it wouldn't come out wrong. I usually had the knack for saying this wrong. 

"I've noticed Harry sneaking out a lot lately. In the middle of the night." I finally said it. 

"He hasn't told me anything if that's what you were wondering," Hermione stated, as confused as I was.

I nodded to give her by any means more understanding. "Well yes I was wondering that, and since you confirmed that you didn't... do you think you could help me find out what he's doing?" I asked hopefully and Hermione looked down over her nose at me in disdain. 

"Ronald! That is a violation of privacy." 

"But he's my best mate!" I complained. 

"Which is exactly why you should respect his secrets!" Her words made my heart feel heavy and there was this feeling of intense tickling inside it. Not the enjoyable kind but the kind that made you feel utterly miserable. I think it hurt because I knew she was right. 

He was my best mate and I didn't want him to think that he had to hide things from me. That being said, I still understood where he was coming from as one of seven siblings it was hard to keep anything secret. Those few you do have you need to treasure. I wonder if that was happening to him. 

"I think he's meeting a girl." I blurted out completely unfiltered before I even realized what I said, Hermione gave me an incredulous look. Her mouth was open in twisted disbelief. 

"Right. Harry with a girl. Don't make me laugh this early in the morning." Even though Hermione said I shouldn't make her laugh she still did. Almost as if to prove a point. Girls are weird. 

I wracked my brain for any counterarguments for what I was about to mention. "What else could he possibly be doing?" I tried to reason but Hermione wasn't having any of it. 

"Ronald! Harry is absolutely rotten with girls. You don't need to look farther than Cho Chang to see that. " 

"He's stupid happy Hermione. Honestly such a sap. I have never seen him like this before and well I think it's a crush." I explained and Hermione looked at me with an intense look on her face. No. Not at me. Through me. 

"That doesn't sound like a crush Ron. That sounds like love." She said in an almost whisper. Not meeting my gaze as her cheeks were brushed with a light blush. Very quietly she said something else which sounded very much like "Trust me I know what it feels like."

Not being completely sure though I ignored the last bit. "So will you help me find out who it is?" Hermione fidgeted with the string that hung loosely at the end of her rucksack. Her eyes were hesitant and torn. A mixture of curiosity started to surface as well. 

"Alright, let's find out who is Harry Potter's secret lover." 

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