~The Art of Misdirection~

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Draco POV: 

Pansy and I made sure to enter the charms classroom early where Harry said he would be waiting. The only reason Pansy knew about the secret midnight rendevous was that she followed me one night and practically forced the truth out of me. Of course, I confided in Harry about our secret being well not so secret and we decided to use her as an alibi. Or a mask of some sort, I have forgotten exactly what wording she used since I am used to blocking out the incessant noise. Whichever one she said, she was more than happy to be it for us. 

Harry was lurking in the back of the class, trying to hide behind a desk while also looking out for me. Which apparently was not working very much in his favor. His eyes darted up to look at us as we entered and his eyes glowed. 

"I didn't think you'd show Malfoy." He quipped and his eyes shown with amusement. We had taken to calling each other by our last names as a joke. Almost to remind ourselves where we were and how far we have come.

"Well this is my class isn't it Potter?" I snarled emphasizing his name. Leaving Pansy to her own devices I went to sit beside Harry. For Pansy, this meant intensely staring at us and scribbling down on her parchment. 

"So you haven't got a cold, have you?" Harry asked, he bet that I would get a cold but I told him I wouldn't. 

"Of course not. Malfoy's don't get sick." I drawled and huffed at the accusation. 

"After falling in that lake?! I think we need a third opinion," Harry taunted and my face paled. 

"Parkinson?" He asked

"Yes, Potter?" She replied, lifting her head from where she had just written a moment ago. Pansy was wearing her creepy ear-to-ear smile which she only did when scheming. 

"I just wanted to know... Did Draco seem at all... sick last night?" Harry asked, his eyes gleaming with certainty and I groaned into my hands. I hated when they both ganged up on me which is surely what is about to happen. Given all the signs. 

"Why yes, Potter now that you mention it our Draco here came back to the dorm with a little sniffle. He begged me to cast a curing charm. How peculiar am I right?" Pansy announced and I did not want to see the triumphant expression that was sure to be on Harry's face at the moment. 

The timing could not have been more perfect to hear a bunch of students clattering up the corridor. I did waste a moment to dash back to my seat next to Pansy before any of the students arrived. The students started filing in not without Harry's mates being there as well. 

I could feel Granger's patronizing glare burning a hole in my back throughout the lesson. Discreetly I whispered to Pansy about the stares and she gave me a sympathetic shoulder tap. Why would she be staring at us? Could she be-no. No. 

I needed to talk to Harry after the lesson.  

It was no wonder that for the rest of the class I felt like total shit, and couldn't focus on anything without help from Pansy and Blaise. Flitwick finally dismissed us after what felt like ages and I wasted no time packing my things and getting out of there. Not before giving Harry a look of desperation which I knew with his Hero Complex he couldn't ignore. 

I was the first to leave the classroom and hid behind one of the pillars that extended near the charms room. Now all I had to do was grab Harry when he came out. It was only after everyone, including his friends left, did he finally emerge from the classroom only to be pulled aside by me. 

"Your friend-she suspects-her staring, in-class her staring- right at me-the whole time-staring." I started not even knowing what brain-mush I just spouted. 

"Okay. Draco calm down and tell me again. Who was staring?" He asked and put his hand on my shoulders. His touch relaxed me and warmed my shoulder. 

"Your friend... Granger. I think she suspects something. I think she might be on to us." I saw Harry gulp and then take a deep breath. 

"Okay, Draco I will talk to her. Figure out what she knows." He reassured me and I nodded. 

The wall behind me was cold as I slumped against it my head was in my hands. I regained myself. "Thank you. I appreciate it." I whispered and he sighed. 

"Um-Draco just one question." He said fidgeting with his hand slightly. 

"What is it?"

"How exactly do I convince her otherwise." 

"The art of misdirection of course! Slytherins use it all the time." I announced. 

"Right, well I will keep that in mind. On a different note.. or kind of the same but not really. ANYWAYS, are we still on for tonight?" He asked, his voice rising a bit. 

"Of course," I said and he seemed to relieve himself of some of the built-up tension. 


Harry POV: 

Draco and I had been hanging out for many weeks now, and I think that I became more attached to him than I thought I would be. Initially, it was more like a trial to see if we could actually get along and be friends. We might as well because we were soul-mates. 

As time went on, I enjoyed myself in his company and even forgot about the whole soul-mates thing. It didn't really matter, it didn't force us to do anything we had no desire to do. Everything was of our own free will.

Draco wasn't as bad as he seemed, sure, he could be stuck up, pretentious and an outright git sometimes but there was more to him than that. I guess that might be one of the reasons I want to protect him. 

Draco and I parted ways after the pillar and I went to go find my friends. Eventually, I found them whispering in one of the corridors as they both huddled together talking. "Hermione! Ron! I finally found you guys!" 

As soon as they heard my voice they dispersed from each other and the whispering stopped. I ran up to them panting. "Harry where have you been?" Hermione asked with a twinge of suspicion in her voice. 

"What do you mean? Did I not tell you I was staying behind to have a word with Flitwick?" I questioned trying to keep my voice as even as possible. From their faces, it was evident that I had not. The three of us continued down the hall together with a tense silence. 

"Who is the girl?" Ron blurted out before he could stop himself. Which in turn earned him an elbow in the side from Hermione. 

"What on earth are you going on about Ron?" I asked trying to hide the rising lump in my throat.

"Well, then what's the reason you have been so sickly happy lately?" He retorted. I hadn't realized that it was that obvious. Sure I wasn't feel bad all the time but I hadn't realized I was that happy. 

"Can't people just be happy for no reason?" I offered. 

"People can," He informed. "Just not you, so who is she?"

"It's not a girl..." I trailed off

"Is it a boy?" Hermione interjected her voice rising in pitch slightly. 

"NO. It's-a-um-uh place. Yes, it's a place!" 

Hermione and Ron didn't seem convinced by this and I knew I had to try harder. 

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