Chapter Four

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Des was looking through the window, wondering when the world was going to return to normal. Outside, the wind roared with anger and aggression. Its destructive wind and acidic rain beat the side of her house. The giant oak tree in her yard was rocking back and forth as if it was a ship in the sea.

She watched as the rain pelted the ground, feeding it the life it deserved rather than the chemicals humans were using, destroying the beautiful land. The thundered echoed in her room as she watched the flashes of lightning streak across the sky, sparking the night.

A warm quilt was wrapped around her as she sat by the window sill. The dark house echoed the storm's rage as it continued, filling Des with worry. She hasn't feared storms since the wreck, although this one was different. It was more intrusive, pounding more than a normal one. Almost like it was man made, rather than something made in nature.

Oscar and his chunky body was sprawled out on her feet, lounging in a slumberous state. He wasn't scared of anything other than a couple of dogs that lived down the street, but he could sense the fear living inside of Desiree.

No matter when a storm would appear, Oscar would never leave her side. He would always keep her company, trying to fill the void that was missing in her life.

Desiree's dad was at work, leaving without a word. He didn't even eat supper with her before he left. Even though she was used to this kind of damage, it still hurt.

It hurt even more, knowing he chose to not speak to her.

Des reached down and scratched behind Oscar's ear, hearing him purr like an engine. His body moved closer, wanting more love and joy to spread toward his other ear. She followed along, falling into the cat's trap.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door. Des jumped out of her skin, startled by the noise. Oscar's ears perched up, his head looking toward the direction of the stairs.

Who in the world could this be, she wondered.

It was well past ten. She had just got done texting Griffin, who had fallen asleep while watching TV as he always does.

Des pulled the blanket tighter around her, acting as if it was a shield. She quietly stood up from her window and made her way to the stairs.

All the lights were off, concealing the house in a world of nightmares, where shadows played tricks on the innocent. The shadows fooled the living with creatures of the night, turning tree limbs into monsters and spaces of matter into demons. The world of darkness preyed on uncertainties, feeding from it and absorbing its energy to inflict its own horrific terror.

Des strolled down the stairs flinching and recoiling at all the sounds. Oscar was right behind her, trailing her like a child. Every creak and grown from the stairs echoed into her head, making her breathing shorter and deeper.

She made it to the first floor, feeling like a fool for letting the shadows sink their teeth into her skin. Shaking her head, she started walking toward the door, more relaxed and calm.

As she reached for the handle, the mysterious visitor knocked again, beating at the door as if he or she was trying to break in. Hesitating for a moment, Des pulled her hand back, afraid of what may lie behind it.

Gathering another surge of courage, she reached up to the peep hole. Using her eye, she peered through and found...

No one.

There wasn't a person there.

Confused, she quickly unlocked the door, and opened it.

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