Chapter Eight

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The atmosphere around Des changed. It dove deep to the dark depths of death, offering no light to rescue her from its hold over the situation. No longer could she feel the cool breeze of the wind. No. Des only felt the stinging wind of frost taking over, terminating any type of warmth. There was nothing she could do. Frozen with fear lingering over her as she waited to be preyed upon by the monster with blood dripping eyes. She was trapped with a monster before her, escaping from her nightmare. Small tears began to drip from the corners of her eyes. It was like a kiss, soft and tender showing no regret with the choice it made.

No one was coming to save them.

Not even the forest.

She frantically reached for Griffin's hand, tugging him closer to her. Her eyes remained fixed upon the screecher, watching it remain motionless, using their anticipation as a tool of torture before destroying their souls.

Griffin's hands were shaking, vibrating beneath hers overflowing with distress. Des remained calm, her body not letting fear manipulate it like a puppet master. She squeezed his hand, hoping to provide some warmth in this trying time of need. She gazed into those lush green eyes, hoping to calm him as death waited for them.

Des gave him a slight nod, and leaned her forehead against his own. Closing her eyes, she prayed for her death to be quick and swift. She wouldn't let him die first. She would go first and wait for him on the other side, hopefully with her mother. And all of them will stroll off toward the bright light to guide them home.

Just as she heard death take a step toward her, a soft whistle echoed in the air. She opened her eyes and gazed toward the object coming to their rescue. She couldn't identify it until it lodged itself into the dark hood of the screecher, causing it to let out a horrible piercing scream. It was unimaginable as she tried to block the sound from her ears. Nothing could drone out the piercing cry.

Gathering herself together, she saw the back end of the feathered arrow protruding out of its mark. Knowing that the creature was down, not caring how, she needed to get out of there. Without a second glance, she reached down and grabbed Griffin's wrist, giving him a tug forward. They turned and ran, their feet losing purchase on the ground as they slipped and slid to the edge of the forest. Their legs wanting to carry them faster than their body would let them.

Des ran with the wind behind her, pushing her into safety, letting it guide her in the time of terror. Griffin was right behind her, throwing his googles to the side, still in shock.

She didn't know where she was heading, until she felt the smooth, ticklish ends of greenery that would provide cover for them. Just as she turned her head, she saw the screecher pull the arrow from its head. A cloud of darkness surrounded the monster and began trailing after them, pulling a long-rugged blade from the dark shadows of its cloak.

Pushing Griffin in front, her hand shoving at his back making sure she stood between him and the creature. They fled farther in the forest dodging trees and logs hoping to hide from the dusky nightmare trailing them.

Des was right behind Griffin, following his unmarked route. There was no path before them, only trees and life working as barriers. Des could have sworn she saw a tree move out of their way and then move to block the screecher from claiming them as its kill.

She didn't know what to believe, nor did she have time.

Des just kept running, letting her feet guide her from death. Griffin was just ahead, not daring to look back. The only sound in the air, were their pants as they pushed their bodies harder.

The trees started growing thicker, making it harder for them to track through the terrain. The branches scraped across their face and arms, reaching out to hold them hostage. But they kept going, their bodies obeying.

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