Chapter Two

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Des sat in the chair in the nurse's station, watching the nurse clean the wound on her leg. She winced as she cleansed it with bacterial spray, feeling it soak into her flesh with unbearable pain. Letting the liquid needle its way inside, burning as if her skin was melting away.

After hurting Des more than she already was, the nurse proceeded to wrap the wound with gauze and bandage it up. She smiled softly, then went on her way to the next patient, who was puking his guts up in the bathroom.

Desiree left as quickly as she could, not wanting the illness to spread to her. She went to her locker to retrieve her math book, when she noticed the guy who made her trip in the first place heading her way. She couldn't help but blush with embarrassment as he walked toward her.

The new guy at school was walking toward her, looking down at the piece of paper. Des watched curiously, hoping he would fall to the ground just as she did earlier.

She quickly turned away, going back to looking for her math book. As the steps grew closer, her heart began to flutter. Des felt silly for even thinking of the possibility of getting the attention of the new kid. She hasn't been known as being the most social outgoing person. Social events were not her strong point. It was almost like her mind would get lost with all the people and she wouldn't be able to focus.

But being lost in a book, did nothing.

It mostly inspired her.

The steps came to a halt just behind her. She drifted her eyes to the corners, not turning her head a single inch. Her eyes strained to get the view of the handsome man behind her.

"You can quit staring," the young man said in a friendly tone, opening the locker just beside her. Des turned toward him and saw a small smile escaping from him.

"And why would I be staring?" she asked with her eyebrows raised, turning toward him, overlooking his ignorant and self-assured attitude.

He chuckled, closing his locker. He leaned his shoulder against the lockers and crossed his arms over his chest. His muscles dying to burst out of his darkened shirt, which Des didn't mind if it somehow happened.

"I saw you staring at me this morning like I was a new package of meat," he said, flashing her a grin.

"If I remember correctly," Des went on, turning back toward her locker, her hands adjusting a few folders. "It was you who was staring at me. I was only returning the favor. I would feel bad if anyone stared at me with want in their eyes, and I couldn't repay them with a stare of my own. I wouldn't want them to feel bad, especially on their first day."

"Are you always this sassy?" he asked. His mouth widening into a smile, still staring at her.

"Is your head always this swelled?" Des swiftly replied, with a shrug of her shoulders.

"I'm Kol by the way," he said, extending his hand toward her.

Des was about to reply, her arm half way up to meet his, when she heard the clicking of heels, making their way down the hall. It was like the walk-up music for the evilest villain of all, except this person was much worse. She could eradicate a puppy with one look and slaughter a million people at the same time. And what makes it worse, is that, she didn't care.


Destroying was her power.

And the world was her playground.

Des dropped her hand back to her side and turned to see the long raven hair of Victoria Hann marching down the hall toward them. Her slanted eyes of beauty looked charming, displaying her Chinese heritage, but they were destructive. She was wearing a skirt that could not have met the regulations for school code, along with a flowy shirt that not only showed one of her shoulders, but also her newly pierced belly button. Her hair flowed down her curvy body as if she were a model, if only she could get rid of the pointy nose she inherited from her father. Sadly though, her father wouldn't agree to the plastic surgery, specifically stating that the nose was a family trait that was meant to show strength, while everyone else thought it was meant to show her witchy side.

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