Chapter One

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The numbers begin appearing in her mind as she runs along the forest line. There's a deep pain loitering inside Desiree's chest. It started as a tingle, jolting her with shock. Then slowly it starts to transform into a heavy ache. Her chest tightens, constricting her breath as she continues to pound her feet to the ground. Trying to run away from the sharp pain piercing the edges of her heart.




Tears begin to trickle down her eyes as she remembers the rain beating down, drenching her with fear and loss. The streaks of lightening begin to strike around her, imprisoning her in a cage. She begins panting harder as her strides begin to open wider. She feels trapped with no way out. No one is coming to save her.




She hears the sound of the thunder roaring in the dark clouds. The shadows surrounding her begin to whisper to one another. She looks for her mother, the one person to save her from the storm's rage. But she can't find her. Des can only see darkness still holding her hostage. Des lets out a shriek of frustration as she is unable to move. Unable to stop the pain exploding from her tightly built walls surrounding her heart. The excruciating sting begins to sear her flesh with flames of the past.

The whispers are becoming louder. Covering her ears, she tries to drown out the sound of guilt beating against her eardrums. A strong and calloused hand grips her wrist, pulling her from the luscious darkness and into the stormy night.

She looks to see who rescued her, only to learn that she is captive yet again by an unknown destruction.



One hundred.

Desiree stops as soon as the last number pops up in her mind. She immediately barrels back the emotion that made its way through the thick walls she has built around herself. She bends down, putting her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath. Her mind trying to repair the damage that haunts her memories.

You can feel anything for one hundred steps, but then it's time to move on.

She looks along tree line of Windsor Forest. The place where her Nan has told her stories of terrible tragedies that have plagued others. Including herself.

Des looks deeper into the forest, waiting for someone to appear, hoping to catch an unexpected movement. Legends vow that your greatest desire will appear if you want it bad enough. But, no matter how much her heart pleads to see her mother walking toward her, the wish never comes. It remains ungranted and broken. Just like the last four years.

Yes, the forest is said to haunt the town of Windsor Valley more than its people. The name that resembles a forest in England folklore. Some believe the forest is its twin, but others have a different story. One that involves the ancient and magical forest moving from place to place, exploring the world as if it was alive. Adapting to the changing environment.

Adapting to survive.

Although, Des has never feared the stories, or legends she has come to known since she was little. Not even the old tale of Herne the Hunter who haunts the forest at night. Killing uninvited visitors from a nightly stroll.

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