Chapter two

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As I pulled up into my schools I plastered a fake smile upon my face. I know I am nothing me escaping thay fact is inevitable, though the fact that noone else needs to know that is sonething that helps me get through the day to. I am not bullied at school I have no reason to be.I speak to noone and only have one freind whom i have known all my life. Although I know that I am slowly pushing him away because not even he knows my secret.

He doesnt know Im a cutter are that I am slowly slipping away to oblivian because i wake up everyday hateing the fact that Im alive.

I hear a knock on my car windowand look up to see a curly black haired boy with silver eyes. I jump a little men happen to frighten me but then I cant help to smile when his face lightens as he sees me.

I open my car door and step out of my car while locking the door.I am engulfed into a very warm hug." Hi Milo." I say with a smile this smile is not fake I am truly happy to see my freind. "Hi Lyssa." He says as we walk inside our school.

"Did you hear about the new kids that are suppoce to be coming today.""Oh yes I heard.""They are suppoce to be super rich maybe we coukd be freinds and they can give me a loan for the band." Oh yeah Milo has this band called Crush Soul theyre actually really good. "Alyssa...Alyssa."

My train of thought  was interupted by Milos voice"Alyssa you were just standing there staring off into space."

"Sorry I was just thinking." I reply feeling a little fragile. I love Milo we have freinds since childhood but Im still wary of him.

I guess you can say Im wary of men  because there hits are  harder then a womens."Alyssa are you ok." "Yea Im fine.""Are you sure." I nod "Alyssa you know you can me anything right." I shake my head nodding yes. "Alyssa is there something going on with you.Your not your once happy self is this all becauseof what happen." He is talking about my dads death my dad was brutally murdered two years ago and his killer was never found.

"Milo Im fine."  I give  him my signuture fake smile and as the bell rings I head to my first period Geography.I am the first one in the class I always and although my teachers think its because Im enthusiastic  about my education the real reason is I want to avoid being a annoyance to anyone in the hallway.

As a load of students enter the class my Geography teacher Mr. Patterson  starts playing some music from India I belive.

The final bell rings to show that class has started. Mr.Patterson turns the music off and puts in a video. "Today we are going to watch a video tommorow you will have to do the Five themes of Georaphy for this country." 

As he plays the video and start to doodle on my paper I already seen this video before when i was the only person that came to school on a student ditch day.I know you think i suck but in all reality I would wrather be at school then at home with mother.

Time slowly goes by and when the bell finaly rings to signal first period ends and that second period begins there was an annoucement on the intercom. All students report to the auditoriom for an important assembly. I start walking to the auditoriom once there I look for Milo and see him standing around with a some of his bandmates and  decide not to go over there he looks happy and I dont want to be a pain. As I turn to sitt in the back I bump into a student."Oh s-sorry." I stutter as I look up at him I quickly look down Im not trying to be disrespectful. He was the most beatiful person I ever seen his har is jet black and his eyes are a beatiful grey. He smiles at me "Its cool,may I ask your name though Im new around here and it would be nice to know one person around here who is  not part of the group I came"   here with."" A-alyssa." I stutter as I find my seat. "Well Alyssa my name is Trey and may sit right here ." I nod my head at the seat next to me.As the assembly starts I listen intently as to the annoucement on bullying. I can feel Trey staring at me its not an uncomfortable stare but i tend to shift under it.Once the assemblys over and the bell rings for break. Trey and I get up at the same time and walk out the assembly together "Well Alyssa it was nice meeting you." he says as he goes to talk to a group of kids down the hall. Those must be the new rich kids that enrolled. "Alyssa." I flinch as i feel hands tap my shoulder. I turn to see that its just Milo. "Where were you ?"  "I was sitting in the back of the auditorum.""Did you see me." "Umm  y-yes but you were with your freinds and I didnt want to intrude in your conversation." "Alyssa you would never intrude,they may be my freinds but you are my bestfreind." He smiles at me and I smile back. "Well any way there is this party Friday and i really want you to come." "I c-cant Milo you know I cant." "Alyssa please the band is playing and I really want my best

friend to be there to support me. I cant go to parties mother would never let me but when I look into my friends face. I shake my head yes and he smiles ear to ear."Thank you Lyssa,Ill pick you up at 8.""Wait Milo we have to sneakly do it ok." He looked at me like he had a hard time beliving that a seventeen year old had to sneak out on a Friday night.I have to though and if i gt caught I can expect another one of mothers senceles beatings."Okay." he smiles at me and I smile back. I dread the coming Friday. "Oh and Alyssa wear something pretty." He says as the bell rings,and thats when i realize I have nothing to wear.

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