chapter 3

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As the bell rung i went to my third period class and sat down once again I was the first person to arrive. I smile at Mrs.Young and then sit in my assighned seat. Five minutes later all the rest of the students enter the class. "Students open up your books to page 80. As i open up my book I feel the odd sence of being watched.I turn around only to ok find a beatiful Trey wave at me. I wave back at him and he smiles. I smile back and turn back around.

After the bell rings to signal the period was over. I got up packed my stuff and headed to forth period.

Forth period flew by and before I knew it , it was lunch.

Walking swiftly down the hall I see Milo but hes flirting with a girl but before I can turn around he spots me and waves for me to come over. As

I walk over there Milo puts an arm around me "Tiffany this is my best friend Alyssa,Lyssa this is Tiffany."

"Hi." I say to her and she scowls at me but says "Hi." I hide behind Milo and she must of notice because her

eyes soften.

"Im gonna go to the library." "You want me to come with you?" I look at Tiffany and nod my head no. He smiles at me and i smile back then walk away. On my way to the library I run into Trey. "Hey Alyssa where are you headed." "To t-the library." He smiles at me and asks if he could join me I nod my head yes and we walk together in an akward silence.

Once I reach the library i head to the computer to look up something for a project.Trey sitts right next to me and I shift uncomfortably.For the next few minutes Trey and I make small talk as I continue to look up my project. Soon enough the bell rings and I head to my next period class.


The day goes by quickly and I absolutely dread it.I know when I get to the house that Im suppoce to call home,I am going to beaten and shattered.My mother cannot break me I've already done that to myself all she can is to continue to step on the pieces I have left behind.So you see I am not brocken I am shattered .

As I exit my last class of the day  I go to retreve my books from my locker.

Once there I see Milo and we walk out of school together. He walks me to my car we hug and say goodbye.

I look at the time and see that I have  about 30 minutes until I have to pick the boys home. As I make it to mothers house I look at the once beatiful home so filled with joy and enter its door.

I see mother sitting there staring at me her green eyes that once held noththing but love are now full of pure hatred.

She stands up and grabs my hair and yanks and pulls me by it. Once she finds her destination which happens to be the kitchen. She takes out a pot and starts hittibg me with over and over and over again she hitts me in my face and I let out a high pitched scream and curl up into a ball.My face is bleeding.Mother doesnt seem satisfied so she starts kicking me in my stomach and then starts punching me.

She does however stop because she knows I have to go pick up my brothers.She kicks me one good time in the face and then smiles."Go clean yourself up you dumb bitch.Fuck I hate you I shoulda had a damn abortion so I wouldnt have to see your face every day oooh you were a mistake."

At this I go upstairs look at my bloody face in the mirror and wash it once Ii am done I look at my face and start to cry. I go under the sink get my razor and pull up my sleeve."I am worthless. I am a mistake."I chant these words over and over again while sitting Indaian style in the middle of my bathroom floor.I take my razor and cut my self over and over again making the cuts deeper.

I hate myself I think as I put a towel over my arm to stop the bleeding. I put on my long sleeve sweater and  go to my car,I put on my fake smile and pull out the driveway. Its time to pick up my brothers.

Hidden behind the scars by blackrose_33Where stories live. Discover now