chapter 14

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Alyssa point of view

Once at the house I felt as if butterflies erupted in my stomach. I barely know this boy but I feel as if I known him all my life. I feel for once in my miserable life that I can finally have a real happy moment in my life. Like I can finally smile and mean that smile. After he dropped me off he had a phone call and said it was an emergency at his home.

Milo and his band were still practicing in the garage. So I decided that I would go in the house and finish watching the rest of The Originals on Netflix. I'm on the part where Klaus has to give his daughter to Rebecca. I'm literally crying my eyes out its just so sad. To have to give your only daughter up because your past demons want to come for her. My heart literally aches. Reaching for another tissue my phone rings. "Hello." "Hey its Trey, are you okay?" How did he know I was sad then again it could be the way I said hello when I answered the phone . "Oh yeah I'm fine just a little emotional because of the show I'm watching." He breaths heavily and then chuckles. "What are you watching." "The originals have you heard of it?" "Umm I think its that show with the vampires right kind of like vampire diaries right?" "Yes and oh my god its so sad right now like this show literally just broke my heart into little tiny pieces." I have know idea why I'm talking so much I just feel like I can be myself around him. "Well I hope I can put those pieces together." I blush I'm so happy this conversation is over the phone because I can imagine how red my face is right now. "Hopefully." I say with a chuckle.

Trey and I talk for hours until he sighs and says he has to go because something came up. I hang up my phone after saying goodbye. "Alyyyysssssaa." Torrie yells and I laugh Milo is chasing her around the house. She runs behind me. Milo stops and looks at me. "Alyssa can't save you." "What happen." "Torrie decided it would be funny to send a mass text to everyone on my phone telling them that I am attracted to opposite sex now. I couldn't help but laugh at this. "You think its funny so now u both must pay. Torrie and I start running around the house laughing.

Trey point of view

I was in the middle of doing some very important paper work when I felt a sadness in my chest. My wolf Ian was screaming at me to call my mate. When she answered the phone I could tell she had been crying and that made my heart ache. When she told me that it was just a show she had been watching I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding in. We had talked for hours just talking about random stuff. When my beta had mind linked me about some rouges that had crossed our border. This irritated me because I wanted to stay on the phone with my beautiful mate.

I hung up the phone ran to the forest and changed into my wolf form. Sometimes I hate this Alpha stuff.


I know short chapter next update will be longer but I need ideas people please inbox me. The longer I don't have ideas is the longer you have to wait for a update my im sorry but I do have to think hard about the next chapter . I kind of don't even like this one.

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