0 days remain (cont.)

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We started running around the city like kids, not really knowing what our next move would be. The only thing we did know is that we needed to enjoy every minute of our new life to make up for all our lost time.

"Should we go check out your body?" I suddenly remembered.

"Oh my gosh, what if some weirdo took it?" Yunho asked, paranoid. I laughed, but he looked genuinely concerned.

We made our way back to the graveyard only to see Nari setting flowers next to my tombstone.

"Oh good! Nari will take care of your corpse!"

"Is she going to like, pick me up and put me in her trunk or something?"

I gave him a confused expression and assured him that Nari would give him a respectable burial.

"Look, she's already calling to have someone pick you up." I gestured over to Nari who was on the phone.

After Nari hung up, she bent down towards the body.

"I can't believe you're dead too. Now I really feel like I have no one." Her voice cracked as tears fell down her face. My heart ached as I saw my best friend being tortured by death all around her. I was about to reach out to her until her phone rang again.

"Hello? Who is this?" she asked while wiping her tears away.

"Chin-sun? I don't know anyone with that name," she continued. Yunho and I looked at each other giddily as my plan was working. I felt relieved knowing that the two would at least have someone to lean on now. Nari walked back to her car, still on the phone with the psychic.

"Well, that takes care of one thing. At least for now. Let's get going," I suggested.

"Wait!" he yelled, running over to the tombstone. He picked up both our portraits off the ground and handed the one of him to me.

"What's this for?"

"Since we can't hold each other, we might as well hold our pictures."

I smiled at his idea.

We set off to sightsee again, but this time with our paintings. We were having a good time until we passed by the photo booth I died in.

"Hey, I found your bag outside of there," Yunho mentioned, pointing back to it.

"Yeah, the night before you found it was when I died inside of there. That's why you saw the pictures of me alone." I continued to walk away as my mood was becoming more disheartened.

"So, if I had just came by here a few hours earlier, we could've met?"

"Maybe. But, it wouldn't have mattered anyway. My fate was already doomed."

"Hey, don't say that. Of course it would've mattered. A minute with you on earth would've equalled years to now. Even if I got the chance to just brush past your skin with mine, I think my heart would've stopped."

"Please, don't say that." I started to tear up.

"Oh no, I didn't mean to make you cry."

"I know, but it's just really hard for me to face the fact that we can never touch. Before I died I dreamt of being held so lovingly, and I never got to fulfill my wish. So now I regret my days of living even more."

"I wish we met sooner," he admitted.

"Well, there was something clearly blocking us. We were in the same class at the same university yet never crossed paths."

"We were in the same class?"

"I found out after I died. You sat up in the back while I sat up in the front. It makes me wonder if you'd even notice me in a crowd full of people."

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